Almost there.

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The girl heaved a sigh, smiling to herself with delight

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The girl heaved a sigh, smiling to herself with delight. Bringing up her cloth covered arm as she wiped off the sweat that trickled down her forehead. “Looks magical, hija.” Julieta Madrigal, mother of three, gorgeous children. Also known as the town’s sweet and caring eldest child of Alma Madrigal. 

The said woman pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, the usual warm smile on her face as she walked away. The girl only smiled at the praise, nodding slightly as she shifted her glance to the floor covered in bright colors in front of her.

A faint hue of purple coating the white flower on the sides and a darker shade of violet on the tips of the other few petals. Along with a vibrant, warm color of yellow. [name] smiled, smiling at the nice looking painting and smiling at her hard work.

“It’s gorgeous, querida,” Camilo simply said, nudging her shoulder with his playfully. “Gracías, Camilo. I hope everyone likes it,” she smiled, anxiously nibbling the inside of her cheek.

“They will, trust me. You’re perfect,” the boy softly whispered, his gentle voice adorning his features where a smile was seen. “I mean, it’s perfect! Not that you’re perfect, I mean— You are! The most perfect thing, well, not thing, but person!”

[name] chuckled at his bashful antics and flustered expression, taking hold of his shaking hands gently with hers, she interrupted him with a kiss. A light kiss, on the cheek. As soft as a feather’s landing and as warm as the sun’s light.

The boy grew more flustered. Heat rising up to his cheeks where the girl kissed him. “Woah,” he muttered, a heavy breath escaping his lips right after.

“Woah?” [name] laughed, lightly hitting him on the shoulder as he jolted from her sudden touch. “You’re adorable. Ridiculously adorable.”

Camilo cleared his throat, averting his gaze away from the nothingness he stared at momentarily. “Would you do the honour of accompanying me tonight? A dinner, you and me. All alone, just us.”

The girl stared at him bewilderedly. Words caught up on her throat, mouth agape and eyes slightly widened. “Since when did you start to talk like that?” She asked, regaining her composure with a teasing smile. Camilo groaned, looking away to hide his flustered state. “You know you have this kind of effect on me, corazón.”

“Well? What do you say?” Camilo asked, caressing his hand with one another. A habit that grew on him. Said it was to calm your nerves down. The girl smiled, lightly nodding at the boy who sat beside her.

“I accept. To be alone, just you and me.”


“Near the lake, just outside the village. Meet me there at eight (8), where the stars shine the best.”

The girl giggled at his crumpled up note that left a certain aroma of flowers. Placing it down on her bed that provided much comfort and warmth.

“You look gorgeous, hija,” señora Gracia said, lips curved into an endearing smile as she stood by the door. “Gracías, mamá,” the girl smiled, mirroring the loving expression on the old woman’s face.

“Date with Camilo, aye?” The woman laughed, ruffling the girl’s hair that stood in front of her. [name] grinned giddily, nodding at Gracia’s words. “Mm. And I thought he’d never ask me out.”

Gracia laughed, shaking her head in disagreement. “That boy has hearts in his eyes and adoration in his voice whenever he sees you, dear. He’s all giddy whenever he hears your laughter.”

[name] giggled sheepishly, humming in amusement. “I feel the exact same way.”

Gracia’s eyes widened, lips agape that soon curved into a grin. “Aye, did you hear that, Roel? Our girl is all grown up! Dios, how time flies,” the old woman exclaimed in delight, calling for her husband that heaved a sigh.

“Calm down, mahal. You’re scaring her,” Roel said, placing his hand down on his wife’s shoulder gently. The girl laughed at the old woman’s words. It has only been a week since they last took her in, and yet, it already feels like home.

“Well, you better get going. We wouldn’t want you to be late with your novio’s date,” Gracia giggled teasingly, placing her hand on top of her husband’s hand, returning the endearing gesture.

[name] nibbled the inside of her cheek softly, nodding at the woman who looked at her with a smile. “Gracías, mamá, papá. I’ll be home soon.”

Home. It almost felt weird calling something so new with such a complicated word. A father that was barely around growing up and a sickly mother that did her best in raising her.

Such absence and lack of presence from her father made her think. Did she do something to make him go away? The girl didn’t knew what it felt like having a father to skim rocks with across the lake or tell stories to.

Albeit having a mother raise her all alone, there wasn’t much difference other than her presence (that she barely felt. It almost felt ghostly.)

The moon was like any other night. Carved into a bright crescent shape, basking the magical town with its grace along with the blazing stars that were millions of light years away from where she stood.

She crossed the border of town, now arriving outside the village where water streamed down a river and onto a lake. Luminous (harmless) critters lingered around the air, flying aimlessly.

[name] smiled, taking a deep breath in as she slowly sat down near the calm lake. “Moon has never glowed this color,” the girl hummed, singing mellowly amidst the silent forest. “Hearts have never been this close.”

A rustling sound immediately interrupted her, frantic movement coming from one of the bushes. The girl gingerly stood up from her cold seat, cautiously approaching the bush. “Who’s there?”

The movement came to a halt along with the unsettling sound. Eerie spreading throughout the atmosphere. There, an unknown, dark silhouette rising from the bushes.

[name] sighed in relief, dropping her tensed shoulders. “Camilo, there you are. I just got here but I thought you ditched me,” she laughed, worriedly caressing her arm.

Silence filled the air, not a word to be spoken. Neither coming from her nor the figure. The unsettling worry came back, rising in her stomach as her shoulders tensed up in worry once more. “Camilo?” The girl called out.

The illuminated light revealed the silhoutte engulfed in the dark, the figure slowly walking up to the girl who stood there— frozen. A caught up breath left her lips, slipping out heavily as she stumbled back.



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