chapter 4 (version 1)

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Hey guys i don't understand which one to make so I'm making version wise right now when I will get the idea i will try to make more . Version 1 is wangxian.

                             Part 1

When lan Zhan had gone behind wei Ying  .

In the orchid room  everyone was shocked about what happen. And lan qiren and lan xichen told them to rest for today. When everyone left they both also followed lan Zhan and wei Ying.

Wei Ying was heading towards the restricted forest where he remembers his lan Zhan's father is he did know that lan wangji and other two lans are following him.

While going there he was thinking of what he did in the orchid room . he shamelessly declared that he has some kind of connection with second master lan .well he didn't regret it. but he blushed red while thinking that. While thinking and walking he didn't realise that he reached a cottage.

The cottage was small perfect for a small family. He liked the cottage. But when he reached there he hit the wall .which made him snap out of the thoughts.

He was standing there for sometime cursing the wall which hit him .

Those three lans followed him closely where they can hear what he was saying . They realised that he was walking in the direction of their father's/brother's cottage. They walked fast and stopped at a distance again where they can hear . They heard him cursing the wall. They laughed inwardly.

With wei ying,

He got some of his spiritual energy and passed it . It only took his  1% of spiritual energy. He got inside and knocked on the door. He was nervous because he was meeting his beloved's father. He wanted to make his beloved happy so he wanted his father to come out of seluction.

The door opened after some time  And there was a sword on his neck. If he wanted he could have easily doged the sword. But he wanted to talk to him.

Qingheng-jun :- who are you? And what do you want?

Wei Ying :- my name is wei Ying courtesy wuxian. Head disciple of yummeng Jiang. Can we talk ?

Qingheng-jun :- sure , but i want every information.

Wei Ying:- ok .

Others saw what happened . They were confused and shocked that there father/ brother let someone inside the cottage. Then they went to the window to listen to their talk.

They both went inside and qingheng-jun told him to sit.and he served the tea .

They were quite for some time .until qingheng-jun asked him .

Qingheng-jun:- you are not from here are you?

Wei Ying:- as expected from sect leader lan. Yes I'm not from here but from, now let me introduce myself.

He tidy himself and said .

Wei Ying:- wei Ying courtesy wuxian , son of cangse saren and wei cangze .title heiguang Jun, chief cultivator , right hand man of sect leader Jiang.

Qingheng-jun:- what purpose do you have here . And how are you here?
He asked while sipping his tea.

Wei Ying:-  well you see I actually died in the future cause heart break disease.  And  about my purpose ,  it is to keep your second son safe and stop the upcoming war .

Qingheng-jun:- what happened to a-zhan?

Wei Ying:- he became the demonic cultivator and got framed by a midget.but he had to learn it to survive ok ?don't blame him for using that path.

Qingheng-jun:- why did have to learn it in the first place?

Wei Ying:- well you see while protecting the cloud recesses the wens caught him and throw him in the bruial mountains. Reason he didn't tell where his brother was.
And then he told him everything about what will happen. After he told everything he came to know that someone was listening to them.

Wei Ying:- come out you three . if you guys want to listen then come and sit i will tell you.

They three come out and sat they took tea and continued. After finishing the story everyone was crying about it . At the end he said .

Wei Ying:- i failed to protect him and i accepted the punishment i waited for him almost for 17 years. But he didn't come . I proved his innocence but he wasn't there with me. And i  waited  for him that someday he will come back to me .
He said will crying.

After that qingheng-jun decided to come out of seluction and continue his sect leader duty.

Hey guys how is it ? Give me some ideas , suggestions and request i will try to make one .

And i am making one soon.

So feel free to write them in comments.

Part 2 will be out tomorrow ☺️

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