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This story was inspired by a Tik Tok I saw saying "What is Joker was a servant" 


Alternate Outfit:

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Alternate Outfit:

Alternate Outfit:

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Name: Y/n L/n

Legend Names: The Trickster, Joker, The Phantom Thief

Legend: People call you legend a myth because who really knew your intentions 

Servant Stats: (I don't know what I'm doing here please understand)


Dagger:Paradise lost

Dagger:Paradise lost

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Class: Assassin

Sub classes(Kinda): Caster and Ruler

Unique Skill(All Classes):The Trickster; Y/n can change his class but in order to get to his Ruler Class he has had to have been through his Caster form. Switching between Assassin and Caster is easy but Ruler is not, Switching to Ruler class has a cool down of 3 battles while switching to others have a 1 battle cool down. You can stay in your other forms as long as Gudako what you too, but a Ruler will only last a battle.

Servant stats:

Assassin :

Unique Skill(Assassin): Off the Radar; Y/n's presence becomes non-existent 

The servant of 3 faces(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now