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Gudako P.o.v

It's great being back Chaldea after being in a Satan's asshole for a day or so, although we lost some I kinda feel a bit guilty 


Gudako: Who is it?

Mash: Oh Senpai you're awake?

Gudako: Yeah why do you need me for something?

Mash: Well I don't need you Da Vinci said she had a surprise for you so I came to pick you up

Gudako: Oh yeah I forgot about that...Let's Go Mash!

Da Workshop

Gudako: So Da Vinci what did you want to give me 

Da Vinci: Oh right on time-

Gudako: For what?

Da Vinci: Let me finish and i'll explain. So what's in front of us is a summoning circle, and here in Chaldea I made special crystals that will be your rewards when you finish task or missions. These crystals are called Saint Quartz you use them to summon new servants, and as my gift I give you 11 here you go and try it

Gudako: Am I guaranteed a servant

Da Vinci: No.

Gudako:*That was quick* Wait what else can you get.

Da Vinci: Craft essence or xp cards. The things you can get by summoning are out into 5 categories, 1 to 5 star, 1 being the worst and 5 being the best.

Gudako:*Is this a Gacha game*

Da Vinci: Oh and sevents aren't at there full potential you have to get the resources to do so although I do have one free chance were you can upgrade a servant to level 80 with no cost or materials.

Gudako I'll do that to my first 5 star servant 

Da Vinci: Ok lets go

Saint Quartz=SQ

I put the SQ in the summoning circle, I see the circle spin and it begins to turn yellow then I see a woman with a blue dress and golden hair in the circle area

???: My Name is Artoria Pendragon class Saber. Are you my Master


The momnt she steps out the circle the circle continues to shine blue for another 4 turns and then....I saw yellow 

Gudako/Da Vinci: *WTF*

I then see a man with a mask that has black hair, eyes and coat, a pair of red gloves, and a mask that makes him look like he has long eyelashed

???: My name is Y/n L/n class Assassin, are you my Master

Gudako: Y-Yes

We were at the last one and it turned yellow again

Gudako: All my luck went into this pull...

Y/n p.o.v

I notice that the woman beside me is staring at me 

Y/n: What's your name, and do you have a problem with me 

Artoria: My name is Artoria, and I do have a problem with you I don't like the feeling you give off

Y/n: *Damn* Oh you want to solve this problem? Woman in the corner that looks like Mona Lisa is there a training room hear 

Da Vinci: Yes and my name is Da Vinci. Mash show them the way 

Artoria: Why are we going?

Y/n: To solve this problem of yours, and are we going to ignore Da Vinci is a Girl? 

Artoria: *Hes pissing me off*

Y/n: Well who cares, lets go Artoria and lead the way Mash

Mash : Y-Yes!

In Da Training room

Mash: O-OK the only rules are 1 No killing 2 No NPs

Y/n/Artoria: Ok!


I take out my dagger and she takes our her sword?

Y/n: Show me your blade! and ill tell you the name of mine

I see the wind magic clear out and I see Excalibur!

Y/n: Oh things are about to get interesting!


I'm going to try to make another today if not then next Saturday

Until later my Thieves

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