My Reality(News/reasons)(I guess)

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How do I begin this my ass went 2 months without updating and I'm hear to say that I'm not even finish this story. I think I'll do oneshots the reason is because I feel like it would be easier and hey I think I will actually release shit, but the other reason is because I feel like my attention spam in writing something is terrible if I'm going to be honest, and although I had the greatest intention of finishing it I feel like it'll just go from bad to worse. So I'll make a oneshot book if you all want a oneshot of a character just request it and please be somewhat specific with what you desire so that I can lean more on your request but also make it enjoyable for the rest:). Lastly he other reason I'll do a one shot is because I feel like I can put more work into them if you somewhat understand, so I'll post the request chapter tomorrow and I hope to see you all there.

Me fr after I ditched two stories.

And I'd also like to apologize to those that wanted me to continue

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And I'd also like to apologize to those that wanted me to continue.

Until Later Thieves 

I hope you all have been having good lives

The servant of 3 faces(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now