Chapter 4

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(pic is Badgerpaw) "Come on! We'll be late for training!" Badgerpaw's voice woke Emberpaw. Her nest rustled as she stretched. "Awh, off to scare off all the prey?" mocked Shadepaw. Haypaw snickered. She scrabbled to her feet, ignoring the hostile glances from the two ThunderClan apprentices, and ran outside. It was her second day in ThunderClan, yesterday Rainwish had showed her the borders, and she had even caught her first prey, a mouse. Cats were gathering around Dovedawn, the deputy. Emberpaw spotted Shellflight giving her a sharp glance from narrowed eyes. Emberpaw ignored it. She was just happy she had been accepted into the Clan, and would do anything to prove her loyalty. Now she raced with Badgerpaw towards the camp entrance where Cottonbreeze and Rainwish were waiting. Cottonbreeze's tail flicked irritably. "In the future, I expect you both to be punctual," since Emberpaw did certainly not want to annoy Badgerpaw's mentor she just promptly ignored him and trotted out of camp. 

The mentors were still a some way away when the apprentices reached the Sandy Hollow. Badgerpaw swished around, lowering to a crouch and leaping at her with full force. But Emberpaw was ready and easily swatted him away even with sheathed claws. As the mentors came in sight, Emberpaw had Badgerpaw pinned to the ground, and as much as he wanted to, he could not free himself. "Great job, Emberpaw," Rainwish praised her with a nod. Cottonbreeze stood up and meowed: "Badgerpaw, do you know what you could have done?" Cottonbreeze asked his apprentice. "No," said Badgerpaw miserably, shaking dust off his fur and getting to his paws. "Watch," instructed Cottonbreeze. He signaled to Rainwish and they circled each other, searching for weak spots. Emberpaw and Badgerpaw watched intently. Suddenly Rainwish leaped and pinned Cottonbreeze down. Cottonbreeze let out a mock yowl of alarm, but as Rainwish began lower himself to sink his teeth into Cottonbreeze's neck, Cottonbreeze pushed up with his hind legs with all his strength, which left Rainwish winded. In a heartbeat Cottonbreeze was on top. Then he released Rainwish and turned to the apprentices, who had been watching wide-eyed. "So, Badgerpaw, now you know how to deal with any enemy, big or small."

The rest of the training session went by in a blur, in the end all three cats and Emberpaw were ruffled and panting. Rainwish announced: "That's enough, you did very well for your first day of battle training," he nodded to the apprentices, "I will report both of your progress to Brindlestar, in fact, I think both of you deserve to go to the gathering tonight." Badgerpaw and Emberpaw exchanged a delighted glance, the Gathering!

When they got to camp, her excitement dissolved. They had been tasked qith taking care of the elders, and Emberpaw was now standing over Finchcall with a moss soaked in mouse-bile. The fox wrinkled her nose. "I see even foxes hate mouse-bile," Joked Badgerpaw from beside her, holding his own wad of moss. 

"Who wouldn't?" she muttered back before continuing.

Some time later, after changing the bedding and even bringing the elders some prey, Emberpaw and Badgerpaw were stretched out on the flat rocks, fast asleep.

I personally liked this chapter, it shows how capable Emberpaw is. Also, there is still time to comment for Emberpaw's and Badgerpaw's warrior names! I think you have another 4-6 chapters, hurry!

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