19. Unwrap

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Rose yanks the door open and sprints to the front yard once they pull over. When their mom gets out of the car, she throws herself at her while holding her sobs.

"I'm so glad you're alright! Gosh, I was so scared I couldn't find you, that something happened to you! I'm so sorry I didn't pay good attention," she speaks in one breath while wrapping their mom into a tight hug.

"There, there, I'm perfectly fine," their mom replies, rubbing her back up and down. "I told you I was going to bring Cobie's lunch. You may have not heard me because you were on the phone."

Rose still doesn't let go of their mom, sniffling on her shoulder when Cobie struggles to get out of the car. A strong hand catches her when she almost tips backward.

"I've got you," says a deep voice behind her.

Rose snaps her head in Cobie's direction and stares at the man who is holding her sister. "Who is he?" She shifts her gaze to Cobie, and her eyes widen. "What happened to you?"

"I twisted my ankle. And he's my boss, Luke. And Luke, this is my sister, Rose."

"Hello." Rose nods at Luke before rushing to her sister. She bends forward to take a better look at Cobie's ankle. "Why didn't you say about this earlier? Uh oh, it looks very painful."

"Let's get her inside," their mom calls from the porch. "Two gentlemen in her building took care of her bruises, but she needs ankle support. Where is it?"

"I'll go get it," Rose says as she jogs to the porch. Before she reaches the door, she turns around and looks at Luke, "Can you maybe help Cobie to her bedroom instead? Our living room is full of my school activity material. I don't think it's handy for her to lie there."

"Sure," Luke replies, tightening his hand around Cobie's waist.

"Unbelievable. She didn't even ask me for it," Cobie grumbles. She hates to be helpless and has to be dependent on someone else. First Peter, now, Luke. Can she even get to choose who can help her climb the stairs?

"Well, it's almost dinner time, and soon, they need the kitchen, too," Luke replies even though her complaint wasn't addressed to him. "And you need to rest."

Cobie is not in the mood of having further back and forth with him. Their awkward situation is still very much there despite Luke's attempt to strike up a few conversations with her during the trip home. She blames her mom for letting him drive them home.

She scoots away from his hold. "Just give me your arm. I think I can walk fine just by holding on to your arm."

"Okay." He does what she asks, contrasting the frown on his face. At least he's smart enough not to boss her around in her own home.

Cobie grunts once she takes one step forward. Slamming her ankle to the basement floor after spraining it was not a good idea at all. If the pain stung like a bitch earlier, now it bangs like a bitch. But she's too stubborn to stop. Biting her lower lip to refrain from whimpering, she hops on one leg while using Luke's arm for balance.

They stop at the porch steps, and Cobie gulps. How is she going to climb it when there is no railing to hold on to? When she looks up to the open front door, the stairs to the second floor are staring back at her, welcoming her with their stiff staircases. She groans.

"It's not the time to be stubborn, I guess?" Luke says. "Let me just carry you and you won't need to prolong your pain."

Being around you is painful enough. But of course, Cobie doesn't say it out loud. As much as the thought of him playing around with her feelings still gives her a twist in the guts, she can't act like a spoiled brat. Luke has been good to her mom today and he defended her honor in front of Peter despite how ugly it ended up.

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