1. A Hot Boss Should Be Illegal

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Dedicated to Silverdawn284 & thegreenninjafan

Never fall for a popular guy. It will be a waste of time or the ultimate disaster. Cobie has had the wisdom tattooed in her mind for almost a decade now, and the memory that comes with it is impossible to ignore. No matter how dreamy and tempting those guys are, she knows better.

She also knows better than to stare at Luke Williams, who is now talking and laughing on the phone, yet her rebellious eyes refuse to listen to her brain.

The man sits on his managerial desk, facing the window, one foot dangling, and his long fingers fumbling with the document beside him. It's a good thing that he doesn't have eyes on the back of his head, otherwise, he would catch her staring. Feeling like a creep, Cobie reverts her gaze to her computer screen, inwardly complaining why her boss's office wall is made of glass. It should be illegal.

"Keep your mind out of the gutter, Cobie," she mumbles as she shakes her head.

In her defense, who doesn't find Luke attractive, anyway? At least, all females in this office do. Even her male colleagues sometimes gawk at him as if her boss were a choco ice cream in the middle of the desert.

Luke is simply that charming. With his broad posture that screams confidence, walnut brown hair complementing his beautiful hazel eyes, dreamy deep voice, and a smile that could melt an ice cube within a second, he attracts all the attention only by breathing. And no, he is nothing mysterious, or dark, or dangerous like most girls fantasize about from a fictional character nowadays. He's just Luke. He's friendly, charismatic, and he always knows what to say to make women blush.

Cobie snorts when she realizes she just spent the whole fifteen minutes daydreaming about her boss. It's not like she's going to make a move on him. Plus, Luke never sees her that way. Their relationship has been strictly professional, and Cobie wants to keep it at that. It doesn't matter how kindly Luke has treated her as his subordinate, a popular guy is just a no-no.

Shoving the thoughts to the back of her mind, she wiggles her mouse to turn off the screen saver, then minimizes her browser. She instantly groans when she sees her reflection on the dark computer screen. She didn't have time to wash her hair this morning, causing her jet-black hair to lose its volume and lie flat on her skull. The worst part of having greasy hair is it ruins the rest of her appearance because the excessive oil ravages her deep-set-eye makeup. Within no time, her brown eye shadows leave no trace, revealing her puffy eyes.

"Bad hair day, huh?" says a voice behind her.

While tying up her hair into a ponytail, Cobie spins her chair around and finds Lucy rummaging through her yellow bag. "Smeagol hair day. Yeah."

Her colleague giggles before retracting her wallet from her bag. "Are you sure you're not coming with us? The empanada food truck is back this week."

"Nah. I brought lunch. Another time."

"Okay." Lucy pivots on her heels and waves at her. "Later."

Once the girl disappears behind the elevator doors, Cobie glances out of the window. She can never tell if it's actually a wall or a window since the building is glass architecture. The drizzle has stopped for a while, but the clouds are still hanging low, threatening to pour some more rain soon. The streets must be wet with water pooling at random spots on the pavement now, shitty to walk on in her flat shoes. She's just glad she doesn't have to get out of this building for lunch at the moment.

On the other hand, eating at her desk every single day gets boring, especially when everyone eats out. With summer approaching, spending time outside under the glaring sun is something she's been waiting for. She needs the sun. The thing is, she doesn't know how to stop her mom from packing up her lunch every morning. And she doesn't have the heart to not eat what she makes for her.

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