10. Somber

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It has been a weird weekend for Cobie. Scratch that. It has been the weirdest eventful week she's ever had in her life. First, the accidental email, followed by Rose and Harry taking a break, the drunk call, and then the business trip that ended with a rigid interaction between her and Luke. It would take a good twenty pages if she wrote everything in her journal.

Harry contacted her again last night when she was already in her bed. The boy sober texted her this time, apologizing for the unnecessary phone call. Damn right was it unnecessary. She knows he needs a validation boost from others when he's going through a rough time, but digging the old story that doesn't even need to be discovered is low, even for him. They might have been attracted to each other at one point, yet none of them decided to make a move, and the moment was gone. End of story.

Cobie glances at the time on her laptop. It's still eight in the morning, on Sunday, but she's already busy talking to two guys who are apologizing for drunk messaging her. Sitting on her bed with pillows piling up behind her, the bedcover wildly sprawling, and a laptop in front of her, her fingers dance on the keyboard.

Notyourgirl: I knew you were high when you typed it. But I don't get why you needed to delete your last messages about that poor girl. And you shouldn't blame yourself for not doing things differently for her. You didn't even know if she wanted you to help her.

Notyourgirl: I'm sorry for her, though. It must've been hell.

Notyourgirl is typing...

"I was once in her position..." Cobie's fingers stop moving, and she rereads what she just typed. Instead of hitting the 'Enter' button, she deletes the line.

Notyourgirl: It was actually good to see the other side of you. Such a change from the daily update about your cat lol.

BreadPitt: Ha. Ha. Well, I was just blabbering. It has nothing to do with us. So I thought I just deleted it

Notyourgirl: Okay.

Cobie's phone chimes a muffled notification sound. She looks around but her phone is nowhere to be seen. When it chimes again, she slips her hand under her throw pillows, where the sound came from. Another text from Harry.

Harry: I'm glad we're cool. I just got caught up with the argument with Rose, problems with my dissertation, and of course, my dad. He is at it again.

Harry: And I can't even remember fully what I said on the phone. But I know I pissed you off.

Harry: I'm sorry, Cobie.

Cobie: I knew you were too drunk to think clearly. Don't worry. I hope things at home get better with your mom and dad.

Harry: Thank you.

Harry: And hey, Beth, Rey, Lee and I are going to go camping when I'm home in two weeks. Are you coming? Just like the old time :)

She can't deny she misses her uni friends, missing the crazy moments they used to share. But with the drama going on between Harry and her little sister right now, she's not sure if it's a good idea. On top of that, his drunk call makes her uncomfortable being around him at the moment. If he and Rose will still be quarreling for a long while, she will not be in the middle of it.

Cobie: I'll see if I'm free.

The chatbox on her laptop screen is blinking again. She taps the 'Send' button on her message to Harry and throws her phone aside.

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