eighteen::flashback ten

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WARNING: mentions of suicide.

"It's too cold outside

For angels to fly

An angel will die"

~The A Team, Ed Sheeran

eighteen::flashback ten


Zayn clutched the pills in his hand, the dark room seemingly suffocating him, his sobs echoing around the walls which once held Zayn and Liam together.

His sobs were choked, his throat was dry, and his eyes were red and it hurt his chest when he screamed. A picture of Liam was firmly pressed in his hand as he leant against the nightstand, his phone laying useless next to him, ocassionally illuminating the room when he recieved missed calls and texts.

Missed Calls [61]

Harry Styles [21]

Niall Horan [30]

Louis Tomlinson [10]


Harry Styles: [sent 4:30 PM] Zee, don't do it,

Harry Styles: [sent 4:31 PM] OPEN THE DOOR!

Harry Styles: [sent 4:32 PM] Zayn Liam wouldn't want this please

[seen 4:33 PM]

Number blocked: [4:33 PM]

"Zayn, please!" Harry banged on the door, his shouts desperate and feeble, "Please don't do this, open the fucking door!" Zayn shook his head to himself, wrapping his arms around his chest, Liam's picture pressed above his heart. His right hand fingers played with the lid of the pill bottle, drumming and dancing upon the plastic conceal in a mock happy dance.


Niall Horan: [sent 4:36 PM] OPEN THE DOOR ZAYNIE

Niall Horan: [sent 4:36 PM] Please Zayn, for the love of Liam, don't DO THIS

Niall Horan: [sent 4:37 PM] After all you've done Zayn, don't do this to Liam!!

[seen 4:38 PM]

Number blocked: [4:38 PM]

"Open the door!" Niall cried, his fists colliding with the wooden surface, "Please, Zayn! We love you so much, don't fucking lose hope! Please, Zayn, please!" Niall's voice was cracking in between, but Zayn knew that if Niall was cracked, he was broken. Yes, he was being selfish, and acting out of foolishness, but if he wanted to join Liam, what could Niall do? So, his feeble fingers unscrewed the lid, the tiny pills making his stomach churn.


Louis Tomlinson: [sent 4:38 PM] Zayn I swear to God

Louis Tomlinson: [sent 4:38 PM] I hope u know

Louis Tomlinson: [sent 4:38 PM] that we love u, and if Liam finds out, you die

Louis Tomlinson: [sent 4:38 PM] well ull already be dead

Louis Tomlinson: [sent 4:39 PM] wait no

Louis Tomlinson: [sent 4:39 PM] DONT DO THIS

[seen 4:39 PM]
Number blocked: [4:40 PM]

"What would Liam say!?" Louis whimpered, resting his forehead against the door, "Liam wouldn't want this, Zayn. Please don't do this. I love you, everyone does. Liam does the most. Why are you hurting us?" Zayn squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out Louis' brutally honest words. He was hurting everyone. But he had been hurt the most. And he wanted to get rid of the pain. With trembling fingers, Zayn lifted the bottle, tilting it until its contents were all poured out into Zayn's palms.


"You were flirting with her!" Zayn screamed, his face livid, "You were twirling her hair around, and you even leant in to whisper in her ear, and by the way she giggled, I think I know what you said!"

Liam sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "Just get in the car, Zayn." he mumbled, opening the passenger seat, waiting for his boyfriend to sit inside. But the latter merely crossed his arms across his chest tightly, releasing a mixture of what was supposed to be a hiss and a huff through his teeth. "Get. In." Liam repeated slowly, as if coaxing a child, which seemed quite ironic considering Zayn was the one who was older than him.

"No!" Zayn yelled, passerby's looking at them weirdly, wondering why two men were fighting in a car park at 11 PM, "Not until you tell me what was going on with you and that hoe!"

"It was fucking nothing!" Liam growled, stalking forward towards his boyfriend with his eyes narrowed into slits, "Why don't you fucking believe me!?"

Zayn let out a dry whimper, screwing his eyes shut. Liam clamped his mouth shut. He knew why Zayn was being overprotective. He had worked so hard to get Liam, and he didn't want anyone to intrude. "Zee, no--" Liam trailed off, clutching his boyfriend's shoulder gently.

Zayn started shaking and ripped away from Liam's grasp, sprinting off out of the car park and on to the road. He ran fast, and he heard Liam calling his name from behind him, the younger lad's feet pounding on the road as he chased after him rang in Zayn's ears.

"Zayn!" Liam yelled, before a horrible, high pitcher screech ensued, and Zayn whipped his head around quickly, only to let out a gruesome sob and scream.

There lay Liam on the ground, in front of a car, blood pouring out of his head slowly.


"That day was my fault." Zayn whispered to himself, Louis, Harry and Niall's screams blurring into the background as he focused his attention onto the pills, "And I'll be happy if I get what I deserve. If I die. If I die because I did such a thing to you, Liam."

His phone went off at that moment, but Zayn was too weak and preoccupied to answer or deny it, so he let it ring. He lifted his palm up to his lips, sniffing the faint scent of chlorine and sulphur acid, the metallic smell invading his nostrils.

His dry and cracked lips parted, the tongue poking out slightly to wipe against his bottom lip. The phone dinged, informing him that it was going to voice message, but Zayn didn't really quite care at this point. He was ready to die.

Just as he was about to insert four pills into his mouth, his ears perked up and he listened to what the person at the end of the line was saying. "Hello, Mr. Malik, we're calling to inform you that Liam Payne had recovered from his coma and has woken up. He will be under medical care for a while, but you are allowed to visit. Have a good day!"

The pills toppled from Zayn's hands and hit the floor.


IT'S THE LAST CHAPTER! :o Hope you liked it! Lili finally woke up, yYAYYY!

Epilogue will be up by tomorrow! :D






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