eighteen::flashback two

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eighteen::flashback two

[ not edited ]

"Tears stream,
Down your face,
When you lose something you cry with pain"
~Fix you, Coldplay

"Harry and Niall came to visit today. They cancelled their wedding for you, Li. Niall wanted you to be his best man. I love you."

"The nurse keeps giving me weird looks, Liam. I think it's because I've been inhaling your scent for the past hour. I love you."

"I tried eating today, Liam, but I couldn't keep it down. I love you."

Zayn couldn't help it. He knew that Liam was in a coma and that he couldn't listen to what Zayn was saying.

'But what if he can?' Zayn would think, 'What if he can hear me right now?'

And Zayn would try. He would try for the rest of the day. He would try to fill Liam in with everything circulating him, adding pitiful 'I love you's at the end so that if Liam was listening, he knew.

It was 5:45 on Liam's fourth day in coma now, and Zayn was still in the annoyingly uncomfortable plastic chair, grasping Liam's hand and staring at them. Waiting for Liam to grasp it back. Tear marks streaked down his cheeks, but his eyes were dry.

'Saving up for a new batch, probably' Zayn thought bitterly. He hated crying. It made him seem cowardly. That's what his mother always used to say.

'Boys don't cry, love,' she had whispered in a broken voice at his father's funeral, 'Unless you lose a loved one. Then you can milk your eyes out.' And with that she broke down in front of her 13 year old son.

"I miss you, Liam." Zayn muttered, staring longingly at Liam's bruised face, "I'm sorry, I love you so much."

With that, Zayn felt a new batch of tears arise and they descended down his cheeks in water droplets, that could be fathomed into a waterfall.


"He punched you!?" Liam yelled, grabbing Zayn's arms.

Twelve year old Zayn nodded with a hiccup. "H-he said it was m-my fault that Dad had c-c-cancer." Zayn cried, letting out a pitiful sob.

Liam sighed and looked down at his best friend. Zayn was going through so much already, he didn't need a bully too.

Zayn watched with wide, blurry eyes as Liam got up and dusted his jeans. "Where are you g-going, Li?" Zayn asked, his sobs decreasing into hiccups.

"Where was the last time you saw Kelvin?" Liam inquired, completely ignoring Zayn's question. The raven-haired boy's eyes widened even more as he grasped onto the concept of what Liam was attempting to do. "N-no Liam, don't-" but he was cut off by Liam's sharp glare.

"At the park, under the oak tree." Zayn whispered, his voice still hoarse from the crying. Liam nodded, walking into the direction of the park but was stopped by a hand on his wrist. "Don't do something harsh, yeah?" Zayn mumbled.

Liam sighed and kneeled down in front of Zayn. "I can't promise you that, Zee. He shouldn't have done it, and I'm not gonna listen to objections." Liam said firmly before he kissed Zayn's forehead, careful not to touch his injured nose, "I think you should come with me."

Zayn was too weak to argue so he merely let Liam give him a piggyback ride to the park. Once they reached there, they immediately noticed Kelvin and his friend hanging out under their oak tree, and that just added more fuel to Liam's anger.

eighteen ➸ ziam auWhere stories live. Discover now