Villainous Corruption Fantasy

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Hawks has been spying on the league for a long time now but most of that time was unfortunately spent with the villain Dabi, He really didn't like the guy he was a self-centered and manipulative asshole who only wanted to take down Hawks' childhood idol Endeavor. Well the hero could be manipulative at least his self-centered attitude was just an act for the public just like his being friendly with Dabi was an act. An act he really wish he could break but he knew that's what the villain was waiting for considering how pushy he was getting lately.

Hawks was trying to befriend the fire villain so he could get into the league but the villain clearly didn't trust him and wanted to see just how far he would take this mission, so Dabi started getting a bit handsy, even invited Hawks over to a hotel room. He couldn't say no so he went to the run down room like the commissions good little dog.

Dabi was sitting on the counter with a bag of food when Hawks let himself in, he sat the food down and  offered a smile with something sinister behind it. Hawks just did his best to ignore it as he took his portion of the food. They ate and talked about random bullshit like it was just a normal Saturday, when they finished Dabi fake yawned and flops onto the bed causing dust to fall into the room. He laughed as hawks waved it out of his face well moving to sit on the bed.

Dabi pulled Him down so he was laying next to him, Dabi's stapled hand moved to pet Hawks' hair. He was clearly up to something but the winged man couldn't ignore that it felt nice and relaxing, He was embarrassed at how quickly his eyes started to close in front of a villain. It took an hour for hawks to fall asleep but Dabi was happy when he did. He quickly got up and picked up the cheap headphones he picked up on the way here. Hawks phone password was easy to guess, probably because he doesn't keep anything important on it but Hey Dabi isn't complaining.

He sits back down and opens YouTube, He logged into his account where he had a whole playlist of videos for this occasion ready. He clicked the first one called "Villainous Corruption Fantasy." He didn't think the video would actually corrupt the hero he just thought it would be interesting to see him act like it for a few minutes or hell maybe an hour but Dabi honestly just wanted to see Hawks acting hypnotized in general, it's become a strange interest of his lately.

When the headphones are slipped on to Hawks' head his eyes peak up a bit but the calm voice pouring into his eyes keeps him from waking up. He's whole body was lax and his eyes were slightly rolled back after only 4 minutes of listening, my mind felt like a deep abyss were the light was snuffed out of each thought making it empty and bottomless.

Hawks could see the endless pit before him, it was only a black void but it called to him, beckoned him to just dive in like it was a pool and he didn't. He could feel his subconscious slowly sinking into the emptiness of itself. As the darkness consumed him his mind opened up to the voice like a blank book waiting to have its pages filled with its words. The words were becoming his true his reality in this moment and he won't dare to deny it when he's this fair in, won't deny how being sucked in up to his neck in his mind inky blackness made him feel warm and loved but also emptiness and peace. It was all consuming to have it cover him completely, he was at ease now that he was experiencing nothing but trance. 

Dabi loved seeing him like this, he could just tell how far gone Hawks was from the small nosies he made and the slight movement in his eyes that revealed how vacant his mind was. The villain could tell how much the hero loved the echo of the hypnotic voice in the abyss. He could see they're was no resistance left from the slow steady breathing of the bird meaning he could really have some fun soon.  The voice was building a new world for this fantasy in hawks's hollowed out head, the void shaped and shifted to make a scene that really wasn't so out of place in hawks life and in this state he really wouldn't be able to tell the difference, honestly he really wouldn't want to this was better than reality the voice told him so it was true. It felt so good to let the voice create this place in his mind, a place he would be spending some time in after all you live though your mind anyway this wasn't any different.

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