Blissful ignorance

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Hawks was in Endeavor's office this morning just to catch up like old friends which is something Keigo use to only be able to dream about but now it was reality. Him and his childhood hero were now close enough to hang out and talk at least that's how he described it, Endeavor still insisted it was strictly about the job but they never really talked about it. The conversations usually just consisted of random bullshit.

Today Endeavor was actually quite talkative which was unusual for him but Hawks didn't mind getting a break from being the one leading the conversation or at least he was happy until he spotted a lovely looking metronome on the desk. He just couldn't pull his eyes away from it especially once his ears focused on the tempo of the clicks.

He stared unblinking at it for a few minutes before Endeavor noticed he wasn't reacting to anything he was saying. "Hawks? Is something wrong?" Endeavor genuinely seemed worried for the younger hero but hawks just mumbled back a reply "I'm fine...Why...hmm do you have this?" He really was not acting like his self and that freaked The flaming man out. "It was a gift." Although an odd one since he didn't play any music but the noise did help some people stay focused but clearly Hawks was not one of those people.

Keigo immediately went back to staring but this time he started saying something under his breath along the lines of "listen." "obey." And a few clicking sounds from his mouth. This made Endeavor stand up and pick up his phone, He wanted to get him help but didn't know who he would even contact about this. The public safety commission maybe? Because in his mind it had to be linked to the Liberation Army or League of Villains since hawks recent mission involved both groups.

He looked back at Hawks hoping that he would start laughing because it had to be a joke but all he saw was Hawks's start to drool. He quickly tried to stop the metronome but couldn't quite figure it out so he just picked it up and incinerated the thing. He then moves to shake hawks by one of his shoulders which thankfully snapped him out of it.

Hawks's dull and entranced eyes shoot open and he looked around the room in shock. He knew he was starting to easily get distracted and entranced lately but this was worse. Before this week he had experienced a trance but that was just the sky version of a highway trance nothing as embarrassing as this. He quickly wiped away the drool and stood up. "Sorry about you metronome, Endeavor I don't know what happened."

Endeavor shook his head and waved his hand telling him it was fine. In all Honesty he was just happy Hawks has snapped out of it but He couldn't shake off his worry about what had just happened. It was just to frightening even for him to see the normal bright and cocky Hawks so empty and lacking a will.

Keigo stood up and just ignored any questions that were shot his way. It was time to sit in on his first League meeting so he had to go, he couldn't be late for that. So he excused himself and left the Endeavor Agency just trying to act like that didn't happen. When he got there everyone was already at the table, He was hoping to sit next to Twice but that seat had been taken so he was stuck next to Dabi.

Dabi seemed happy with that arrangement for whatever reason. The first few minutes of the meeting were boring and nothing he could really use to help the commission. As he really thought about that Dabi asked to use his phone and he let him, there was nothing really important on there anyway since he wasn't stupid...for now.

The villain clicked into his notes app and started writing something just below the link he had copy and pasted. It said "check this out birdy." So Hawks took his phone back and clicked it. A bright flash then a bunch of colorful spirals assaulted his eyes but he won't dare look away and ruin this wonderful feeling reminiscent of the one at the motel a week ago*.

The feeling his mind was slowly but surely being trained to love was Submission and blankness. The screen was all Hawks could care about right now and the others had noticed but they didn't really care though since it would keep him from leaking info because he would barely remember this meeting. Speaking of the which the meeting lasted almost 3 hours and almost the whole 3 hours Hawks had sat there staring at the phone and whispering every word that popped on the screen under his breath. Every single "Obey." "submit." "Blank." "Deeper." And "mindless." that flashed.

After everyone left Dabi helped Hawks stand up well still holding the phone. He lead him without any resistance, the word resist was probably erased from the Hero's vocabulary by this point. They ended up in a bedroom where the villain moved Hawks to sit on the bed. He took the phone away but it didn't break the deep trace.

Dabi had the Idea of what hypnosis he wanted to do to hawks yesterday so he had time to go get some stuff and since hawks was already in trace they could get right to it. He pulled out a bag and sat it down next to the hero whispering "Strip."
Hawks immediately worked to get his clothes off first the jacket then his shirt and so on.

He stood there naked waiting for his next command. He didn't have to wait long before Dabi who he didn't even realize was gone walked back over. "Put on what's in the bag."
So of course Hawks mindlessly slipped on the panties but when he moved to put on the collar Dabi took it with a grin on his face. "Knees now."

Hawks quickly fell to his Kness looking up at Dabi with half lidded eyes. When the villain started to pet his hair he leaned into it like a brainless toy. As a "reward" the collar was snapped onto his neck, If hawks was in a normal state he would feel like a dog right now but he wasn't normal at the moment so you kneeled there in panties and a collar in front of his enemy with no worries.

Dabi got to his level and made Hawks look him in the eyes. "I have a few triggers for you." The hypnotized hero eagerly waited to hear it. "When I say Keigo you'll wake up from trance but won't remember anything." Keigo Nodded his head and the collar made a small jingling sound. "When I and only I snap my fingers you'll go into a deep trance no matter where you are or doing." Another nod with a small jingle of metal. "Good now Keigo!"

Hawks was wide wake and cold. "What the hell! Dabi!" He moved his hand to feel cold metal and warm leather on his neck so a word he couldn't make out. "What is this?!" He was pissed when Dabi didn't answer and just laughed like it was funny. Unfortunately for Hawks before he could attack the Villain a snap rung out.



*brainwash the birdie 1 villainous corruption.

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