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"Sofia, l am just going to talk to Ms. Fiona for a while okay," I grabbed her arm and put it down on her sides slowly. I rubbed my arm, it's still a bit red from Sofia's grasp. Luckily school has ended so only a few people are left in the building. The corridor was quiet, not a person inside or insight. Except inside the faculty, where Ms. Fiona is currently residing. 

She frowned , her lower lip forming into a pout. "No, no, I won't leave," I said and grabbed her shoulders and moved her on the side of the wooden brown faculty door. Which door design is oddly more intricate than the others, those doors only played with lines and shapes. "I promise, I'll be back," I assured her and the corners of her lips slight lifted up. It didn't become a smile, but it isn't a frown or a pout at least.

I pushed back my hair and inhaled and exhaled heavily. I tried to think of what to say when I go in, I just can't say, "Good afternoon Ms. Fiona, Sofia and I accidentally created a love potion and Sofia tried it not knowing what it really is, now she's in love with me." No. I just decided not to overthink and knock. 

"Come in," a sweet voice from the opposite room ushered me in. My palms became sweaty and suddenly the air became hot and cold at the same time. I looked at Sofia and she beamed me a smile. I smiled back. "Stay," I mouthed. She turned he head the other way and crossed her arms. I sighed and shook my head from left to right.

I went in and saw our teacher flying across the other side of the room to the other, carrying a bunch of papers in her hand as a few flew away. The room was filled with papers, but she would use a little magic later on, probably. She was clearly busy, but I can't drag this issue longer than it should be. "Miss Fiona," I called her as she continues to move papers.

"Hugo dear, what brings you here?," she asked and I fumbled with my hands. This is more stressing than I thought. "Being our Potions 101 adviser, I have a question," I started and it looks like she isn't minding the situation. It's fair since she doesn't — still doesn't — know what's going on.

"Is it about the project due next week?," she asked. "It's part of it, " I laughed nervously. i am going crazy. A voice in the back of my mind keeps hoping that Sofia won't barge into the room. Sofia is good. Sofia is good, she won't ruin this.

"Well, let's hear it," she said and I took a step closer. "About love potions, is it possible to make a reversal potion for it?," my feet is stomping lightly trying to remove extra tension. I might blow up if I don't. The room suddenly felt smaller, and less air came inside. It' suffocating, I'm suffocating.

"Love potions are prohibited," she said and I quickly retorted, "just the reversal potion for it." She raised her right eyebrow faintly, but I saw it. 

"Well, it depends on what kind of potion it was," she said and flew down slowly on the ground. "What happened deary?," she asked and I was suddenly put in a hot seat. It's better to just fall off a flying horse in a derby race than to face this.


"Oh nothing, it was a stupid question, I'll just — go now," I pointed to the door and gave an apprehensive smile. 

She looked at me in a confused manner, discerning my face and my actions. "If you have any prob—"

"No, no," I waved my hands. "Thank you Ms—."

"HUGO," and my name is the thing that stiffened me up. I felt a soft hand grab my arm firmly. Sofia may look small, but she was certainly strong. I was scared of what will happen next, but what already happened, happened. 

I looked at Ms. Fiona. her face was stupefied. I decided to keep quiet, trying not to make the situation worse that it is. Everything stopped, the flow of everything and everyone stopped. Except Sofia who kept nuzzling my shoulder.

Ms. Fiona looked at her watch and back at me. "I have a lot of time, tell me everything starting from the beginning."

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