Chapter 4

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I told Ms. Fiona everything from the start, starting from where we found the book and the contents inside. I also told her that I tried to stop Sofia from drinking the potion and how I figured out that the title was covered with a title "Truth Potion."

She hummed in response to my story and flew across the room to one of the upper shelves. She grabbed a book that was almost the same as the one we saw in the library. I didn't get a good look at it until Ms. Fiona showed it to me closely. I gasped quietly. It said "Humans and Potions," but only this time it says it "Humans and Potions II."

"I didn't know that the book that we borrowed has a second part," I hastily explained as I raised both of my hands in surrender.

"It was an old book, you certainly took your time on this project," Ms. Fiona said and I tried to smile, but the smile came out all crooked, atleast that's what I felt it looked like. Ms. Fiona flipped the page and what I noticed on this book were the effects and other information that comes with the potions in the first book.

Who would even think to separate the effects from the potion. What if no one knew really knew this existed. What if they accidently made the love potion like us and liked one person all their life? What if we weren't the first people this happened to? What if —

"There it is!," Miss Fiona exclaimed as my train of thoughts came into a halt. I looked at the book as Miss Fiona read it. "The Love Potion—"

Love Potion

The Love Potion is the right amount of sweetness and bitterness that amounts to love.


- The person who drinks it will fall in love with the person that they first see after drinking the potion


- There is no found way to reverse the effects of the potion instantly

- The effects will last for a week; no more, no less

Side Effects:

- Dizziness
- Faintness
- Will remember some feeling that they felt before drinking the potion — but for a short amount of time only

"For a week, but we still have to do the project," I grabbed my hair and quickly turned to see Sofia sitting in one of the antique chairs.

Looking at her now, she does seem normal, she seems like she's the same old Sofia, except here judgement about everything will include me.

Including me in her decisions will quickly result to disaster. Love doesn't mix with everything. If she was in her normal state and in love with me — not that I want that, but for an instance — maybe I it would be a better situation. Right now, everything is delicate, her emotions are leaning more into love. Worse, is love that is for me.

"We have to tell your parents," Ms. Fiona said wearily, she must be tired after today, especially with the toad incident in the Potions lab before our class.

"Can we please don't? It only lasts for a week," I begged her and put my hands on my hips and looked down. Looking at the intricate floor tiles of our school, but it's beauty wasn't enough to distract me from the fact that me and Sofia might get in trouble. Especially me.

They might think I did this on purpose, or that I didn't do anything. It'll ruin both of our good family's engagement for years. For something like this, it doesn't sound like an issue that would be brought up casually.

"I hope that you can consider about telling our parents, it will ruin everything," I beseeched her, she looked at me with her scrunched up brows obviously evaluating the pros and cons of the situation.

But the current issue is more bad than good, so I added some points to make her decide in a rational manner.

"If this kind of news got out Ms. Fiona, both of our reputations may get ruined, wrecking our family's alliance, and worse — I and Sofia's friendship would end in absolute peril that no amount of effort can affix," I ended by looking at Sofia's way who is completely complacent and is naive due to the effects of the potion.

I looked at her with worry and concern, this is truly a delicate situation, and one that could possibly wreck all possible engagements in the future.

"Please Ms. Fiona," I said and my head hanged lowly hoping to get the answer that I can agree to. I saw from the corner of my eyes that Ms. Fiona tried to move but stopped half way, probably saying the same thing she said earlier that we should tell our parent. But after, I heard a sigh. I almost jumped in triumph, rather, I kept my mouth shut.

I may look too loose in my actions, but every decision, especially consequential ones — are ones that I think about in all seriousness.

"I shall give you a week dearie, no more, no less," she renounced. I looked up and pushed my hair back as I fixed my posture, one that I had been perfecting and doing for years.

I looked her straight in the eye with gratitude for weighing down the consequences of the current complications. "Thank you, I will be fully responsible for this situation, I shall contact you in any problems arise," I said and she closed her eyes in sanction.

I bowed down as I knew I owed her something that she will never being up in any future encounters. And that I feel more weigh on my shoulders than I had before.

I walked to Sofia and urged her to get out. I took one last look at Ms. Fiona who was putting the book back in the shelf, my eyes traveling to the ground quickly coming back up to return to Sofia who was waiting patiently on the other side. I closed the door and proceeded to walk by my partner's side.

"You discussed about fixing me right?," Her soft voiced echoed in the halls, bouncing from one corner to another after it rolled from my ear to the other like honey.

I glanced at her, she wasn't looking at me, but the worry was emanating from her. I choose not to answer, and the silence was enough for her to understand.

"I'm fine you know, I like what I feel," she proceeded as I retorted. "You may like it now, but potion effects, especially one that is from a love potion, you may regret afterwards."

"I don't have any problems regretting it afterwards, as long as I don't regret things now"

She walked with confidence as I was stuck in the same spot she released her thoughts in an unhinged manner.

The effects of the potion wasn't just affecting her, as I felt the effects. This Sofia became more headstrong and sentient.

I reminded my self.

She loves me now because of that potion, no more, no less.

Saving myself the heartbreak.

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