Chapter 1

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I walked inside the library as the fresh wind from outside hit my face lighty. A shaft of light from the upper flow hit the center of the library. I looked around the mass amount of books and decided to peek from aisle to aisle. The Royal Prep Academy library is massive. It may lessen in height, but its scant in height is compensated in its width. I went to the front desk where Mr. Decker, our librarian, was sitting.

I proceeded towards him with a slight wave and he noticed quickly recuperating with a warm smile. Our librarian's smile was contagious, you can come in here with a thunder over your head but his atmosphere shakes the gray clouds away.

"Prince Hugo," he closed the book that he just stamped and put it aside. He inclined towards the table with his arms supporting his weight. "What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Decker, always a pleasure to meet. Was there any chance you saw Sofia come inside?," I asked him. I know Sofia probably found the book, the library might be enormous, but with guidance, it's easy to navigate.

"Princess Sofia, yes she did come, she went in aisle 24, probably looking for a spell book," he answered with a wise tone. Mr. Decker is the kind of man who can tell you stories on how he planted his beans and you'll never get bored. Even a word that comes out his mouth becomes a part of history you never want to forget. "Thank you, we have a project for Spells 101, in case your wondering," I said, but the information was probably superfluous. "Of course Prince Hugo, thank you for sharing," he nodded slowly. Of course, as expected from Mr. Decker, always polite, always understanding, always genuine.

"Well then, thank you again, I'm going to find Sofia now Mr. Decker," I stopped and forgot what aisle Sofia was. I turned around with an unsure smile and Mr. Decker quickly understood it. " Aisle 24 Prince Hugo," he said. "Of course, thank you again Mr. Decker," I saluted him and walked towards aisle 24.

I took a peek first and saw Sofia having trouble reaching a book that was almost in her grasp. I decided to come in and approach behind her as she's struggling and grabbed the book for her. She was clearly shocked by my sudden appearance because she turned around quickly with her eyes wide. "Hugo, I didn't see or hear you coming," she said. I handed her the book she was trying to reach in her tiptoes earlier.

The book was brown and said "Humans and Potions," the book was old and dusty. The edge of the pages were slightly brown and some decayed. The leather of the book was crumbling, at least the title was readable.

"You were too busy reaching that book, the tough life of being short," that tease was quickly followed by a light punch on my right shoulder. "Let's just get this project over with, we have a week before the due date, so we better make it worth it." She said and I nodded in return.

We walked back to the front desk with me behind her. We made our way to Mr. Decker to borrow the book. He signed our library cards and wrote the date today. He handed us the book back along with a good luck on our project. We gratefully nodded with a thank you. We went to our potions lab and settled the book down on our table next the window.

The laboratory was medium-sized, enough to fill at least 25 students. It has shelves of ingredients commonly used in potion making. Some drawers and cabinets contains materials used to make potions. Small cauldrons, flask, glass rods, wooden rods, etc. This school is funded by Kings and Queens, so this is normal and expected.

"So, what shall it be?," I asked Sofia as I rubbed my hands together. "I don't know," she replied. She began to flip the pages of the book and look first on the table of contents. We got bored quickly and just decided to scan each page that is fairly impressive and easy to do. Until we stumbled on a page that says "Truth Potion." 

I held down the page and looked at Sofia. "That's the one,' I said and Sofia nodded in agreement. The ingredients along with the steps are written in an olden cursive handwriting, if we're estimating on how old this book is, probably the age of my great great grandfather.


- 1 bay leaf

- A dash of salt

- Honey (depends on how strong you like it. the preferred amount is a tablespoon)

-  A pinch of sugar

- 3 pieces of oak tree twigs

"I think I saw oak tree twigs in one of the cabinets," Sofia announced to the nary room, expect me. I watched her go and continued to look at the page. There is something odd about it. the ingredients doesn't make sense for a truth potion. But who am I to judge, it says right on the top, truth potion. I shook my head not minding the odd thought and feeling. 

instead of just standing and looking at the book I decided to get the rest of the ingredients. All edible ingredients are in a drawer. Jarred up with the names for each written on the top of the steel lids. I grabbed sugar, salt, and honey. 

I came back to our table and saw that the oak tree twigs were there, along with the bay leaf that Sofia probably got in the herbal cabinet. 

Sofia bumped her hips to mine. "What are we waiting for partner? Let's do it, I'll get the fire burning."

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