23. fool.?

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In the morning you wake up and put phone aside as you slept with your phone yesterday, it was already bright outside you quickly got up "Rowoonie!"

no one responded, you immediately rushed out almost bumping into Jennie. "Are you awake.? it's almost nine o'clock, do you know.?" she waved her phone. "It's nine o'clock?" you rubbed your head "Yes, hurry up and wash, we'll be late for office."

you nodded and went to change, you take 15 minutes to get ready and went to office, Kim Jisoo's list had already been completed, next you had to deal with Kim Dahyun and Jeon Jungkook, Dahyun looked like a slow person and didn't urge you recently but other hand Jungkook gave you a headache, so you decided to take the initiative to attack.

"Help me arrange an appointment with Jeon Jungkook, is there any time after two in the afternoon? ask him to come out to met."

Jennie was originally packing up the information on the table, she stopped after hearing you "What did you say.? you want to see him.?"

"Yes." you nodded.

"Are you okay.?" she quickly put down the documents and came to you "Why did you suddenly want to see him.? could it be that you were moved by what he did last night? have you rekindled your old feelings for him.?" you helplessly looked at her "What kind of nonsense is in your mind.?" she smile awkwardly and shook her head "I have too many questions and want to ask him, since we can't avoid him then let's meet directly to solve."

she hummed and agreed "You are right, then tell him clearly and let him not pester you in the future."

"Yes, I will do it." she stared at you "What's wrong??" you find it strange.
"Actually, you still love him, right?" your expression changed "I..."

"You don't have to deny it." she interrupted "I understand your thoughts, although you have been abroad these past years, you have paid attention on news about him."

Your pupils shrank "Jennie, you.."

"You think I don't know? although you  try to hide it well, it's still noticeable." you blankly looked at her then turned your head away "You think too much, you can't guess everything."

"Guess?" she took a deep breath and crossed her arms "Then why don't you dare to look at me.? let's talk about it first, whose information was on your top of search list? could it be Someone else with same name?"

Your heart beat faster "did you think you can hide and I won't notice?" she sighed "Actually I saw him on the highway from Busan to Seoul, it's just that I didn't tell you." you looked at her suddenly "What did you say??"

He was also on the highway?
She saw your reaction and told the situation on the highway that day, Jennie went to bring snacks and became little strange after that.

"Maybe it's fate to met! that day I got in the way, Sarang as your friend my selfishness doesn't wish for you to interact with him again, because of him you have suffered a lot but in terms of feelings if you still love him then ... I will still support you."

She bent down and hug your arms, you're completely stunned on the spot, you wasn't alone all this year and she knew about it? although you pretend to be calm but you wasn't calm inside, you secretly searches his news and pay attention to his situation, your heart was never calm even after you left him for good, each articles about him becoming normal person from wheelchair bound and you also knew that he had become the true owner of Jeon's group, although you still didn't know how his legs was cured, mean no one knows how he suddenly able to walk but you was happy for him, to see him stand up and walk on his own.

But even if you still love him, you don't want to be with him, the past is fleeting, who says that if you love him then you must be with him.?

"Go, explain to him properly and ask him all the questions in your heart, if you really love him until now then don't miss it."  she patted your shoulder, her voice was very gentle, you smiled and nodded.

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