Part 12

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After the incident at the restaurant, those two fake students were immediately taken into custody even though they kept protesting. And it turns out afer a search into Professor Shen's colleague Guang Gao's house that he is indeed the murderer.

Guang Gao was a crazy maniac who liked and obsessed over Shen Wei from the early days when they were batchmates and returned to the University because Shen Wei worked there.

He did not know about Yunlan and tried to approach Shen Wei in a casual way, as a friend. But in the bar, he took Shen Wei , with an ulterior motive to drug him which may turn to a favourable end for him.

But the man, Sheng Min, who died at the bar, was following Shen Wei very closely.
He met Guang Gao at the entrance and he saw that Guang Gao was a friend to Shen Wei, so he followed him and by chance saw, Guang Gao mixing something weird in a drink. Before he could give it to Shen Wei, that man Sheng Min confronted Guang Gao, and in a rage, Guang Gao hit the man quite hard. And somehow he was so overpowering that time, that the man died in one hit. But Guang Gao was so mad that he kept hitting the dead body and it was a horrible sight. But as it was not planned from before, it was a sloppy work and he could not discard all the evidences. More than that, Yunlan's entry after that made him lose focus and his fury was shifting to Yunlan. But he was caught before he could do anything anymore.

SID immediately arrested Guang Gao and informed Shen Wei all about it. Though the source, that is, those two persons were questionable, but their information were correct and now the third murderer was also in jail.

Shen Wei returned from the university with a displeased face and a little embarrassed to face Yunlan. He remembered how many times Yunlan has tried to warn him against Guang Gao, but Shen Wei laughed it off. So he wanted to make it up to Yunlan and try his best to make up to him.

When Shen Wei entered SID, he saw little Guo writing something with great attention. He stood near him to see what is going on and he saw Guo was accumulating all the facts of these three murders that happened and organising them in order.

He smiled at the hardworking boy and placed his hand on little Guo's shoulder to praise him.

"Wow, your diligency is commendable. " Shen Wei said impressed.

Guo was embarrassed. "Ah professor! It's nothing... It's just Zhan Zhao told me to write it up as he thinks things are far from over. Something organized will help us clear our mind and think in a versatile way. "

Shen Wei nodded, "I understand. Thank you very much for your effort. Where is Yunlan by the way? "

Guo pointed towards Zhao Yunlan's office and then asked Shen Wei, "Professor... You don't wanna see Guang Gao? "

Shen Wei pondered over it for a moment and said, "No. I don't think that is a good idea. I will handle this case as the envoy as I always do. "
Guo nodded in understanding. Then Shen Wei walked towards Yunlan's office and he saw his lover sitting leisurely, his legs are over the table along with boots as he sucked on the lolipop as always.

Watching him Shen Wei's eyes immediately became fond and gentle. He coughed gently to announce his presence.
"Yunlan, you are done with work? "

Yunlan's eyes were glued to the ceiling, no one knows what he was thinking, but when his favorite voice broke his trnace he looked straight happily.

"Isn't it the professor!? How come you are here? Wait! If you are here to see that pervert Guang Gao, then I refuse. " He used his hand to show a cross sign.

Shen Wei smiled in silence, "No I didn't come here to see him. I am here to take you home. Is there something you would like to eat today specially? Tell me... I will make it for you. " He said earnestly.

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