Chapter 2

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The night was fine until you were hit with a really bad stomach ache. You tried to push it off but it only got worse. You held onto Camilos arm tightly "Camilo. Can you please help me get to a room" you cried as you started to feel the anxiety growing within you. "Why what's wrong?" Camilo seemed to be worried but you couldn't really tell cause you were keeping your head down. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up" you quickly said before starting to cry more. "Oh gosh. Ok I'll pick you up and get you to my room" Camilo said as he lifted you off your feet and rushed you out of the crowded place and into his room. He set you down on the bed softly "do you need anything else? Water? Medicine?" You closed your eyes as you felt your body go dizzy. "No no..I just need to rest for a few. Are ur hands cold?" You reached your hand out to touch Camilos hand. They were cold. You grabbed his hand putting it on your forehead. Camilo tried to take his hand back but you just held it harder. "Ow Y/n!!" You could hear the pain in his voice which made you let go.

He got up leaving the room leaving you alone in pain. His hands were so warm and soft. You started crying more due to the anxiety. You really didn't wanna throw up it was a fear you had. "CAMILO!!" You yelled being able to only get his name out. Someone ran into the room but it wasn't Camilo. It was...Dolores? She rushed to your side. "Camilo is busy talking to Ma. Whats wrong?" You kept your eyes close as you felt the world spin around you. "Oh that's right. Here are my hands cold?" She put her hand on your head which was pretty warm. You shook you heard before your leg started bouncing/shaking. "How bout I go get you a fan?" Dolores said and you shook your head making Dolores leave bury return a few seconds later. She plugged the fan in and had it pointed towards you. "Do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?" Dolores said you pointed at the door to say you wanted to be alone. "Oh ok..I hope you get better" Dolores got up leaving the room.

I've fallen for you {Camilo x Y/n} Where stories live. Discover now