Chapter 3

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You laid there for what felt like forever until someone walked into the room. It was Camilo! "Hey your gonna have to go back to your room to sleep." You looked over at him still dizzy and sick. "Can you carry me to my room room?" You said dizzy. "Oh- um I guess" Camilo said before he came to your side and picked you up. You felt nauseous moving but being in Camilos arm made you feel comfortable and safe but it didn't get rid of all your pain. He walked you to your room opening the door and setting you on the bed lightly. "Do you want me to go get the fan?" Camilo said you nodded softly as he left the room and came back with the fan plugging it in like Dolores had done before. He faced the fan towards you walking over to you. He put his hand on your cheek. You felt the coldness of his hands they were so calming. He soon pulled away. "Well I'm gonna go back to my room if you need anything just call for Dolores and she can get me" You nodded and Camilo left the room. Your stomach was killing you and all you wanted was to feel better.

You feel asleep quickly but kept waking up randomly until you couldn't do it anymore. You got up slowly and walked slowly to Camilo's door opening it. He was asleep so you got into bed next to him. He was cold but warm. You fell asleep and slept like a baby.

You woke up the next morning on the floor. Camilo was still in the bed. You sat up still a little sick but it was just a small stomach ache. You got up. Did Camilo push you off or did you fall off? You sat up shaking Camilo. "Wake up dummy!" You yelled pretty loud which made camilo hit you by accident trying to cover your mouth. "Girl shut up I need my beauty sleep" You snickered as Camilo pulled his hand away. Who knew he was like this when he woke up.

-Time skip cause I'm lazy-

After breakfast you decided to head out of the house and to walk around town to clear your head. You hadn't had fresh air in forever and just needed a walk. However you couldn't get Camilo out of your head. What was going on? Did you just all of sudden fall in love with him? It was so weird but you came to a conclusion. You did just fall in love with him like that. You loved the curls in his hair. His voice. Everything. You just wish he felt the same but you knew he didn't. He didn't want to be forced to date or marry you.

You sighed as you decided to sit on the edge of the small bridge. The water underneath wasn't deep at all it was just a river you could even see the bottom of it.  The water was so clear and beautiful. You decided to lay down balancing your body on the walls of the bridge. You forgot how beautiful this place was and to finally get out of the house and go outside felt great. The air,the animals,the trees you name it! Everything just was so amazing to you. You closed your eyes thinking about Camilo. You opened your eyes to be welcomed with Camilo standing over you. You sat up in a instant forgetting you were on a edge of a bridge and fell over off the side of it almost hitting your head in the water below but Camilo had caught you by the leg.

He pulled you back up and you hugged him thanking him for catching you. You didn't see Camilo was blushing but you 100% were.

I've fallen for you {Camilo x Y/n} Where stories live. Discover now