Chapter 6

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Camilo went to his room almost instantly shape shifting into you. He spun around making your dress go up. (Not to high) He then looked into the mirror he had. "Gosh she's so beautiful" he said looking at the color of your eyes. "Gosh this outfit is cute to. Not that I'd wear it" Camilo said before turning around seeing you right at the door. "AHHH" Camilo screamed. "What you doing?" You said teasing him. "Um...uh...I thought you were asleep" Camilo said shape shifting back into himself. "Oh I was gonna take a nap but then I got a sudden burst of energy" You said walking into the room more shutting the door behind you. "Oh.." Camilo said sitting on his bed. "Yeah..that happens sometimes" you then took a seat next to Camilo. "Your really adorable you know that right?" You said. "Oh" Camilo looked at you and noticed you were fidgeting with a ring you hand placed on your finger. "You good?" He asked putting one of his arms around your waist moving you closer to him. "Oh. Yeah.." You said but Camilo knew something was up but before he could ask your mom came into the room. "Come on Y/n let's go." Y/n got up leaving Camilo sat on the bed. "Wait what?" Camilo said getting up. "Where are you guys going?!" He asked worried. "We are leaving Y/n has to meet someone." Your mom looked at you annoyed with how slow you were going. "Who?" Camilo said as calm as possible. "The person she will marry." Camilo's eyes widened. "WHAT?! I thought me and y/n were getting married?!" Camilo looked at Y/n which looked like she was about to cry. "Me to Camilo..." she said. He could tell her throat hurt. "Ok let's go they are waiting for us" your mom said walking down the stairs with her bags. You quickly hugged Camilo in tears. "I'm sorry..." you said hugging him tighter. "It's ok Mi Amor" he hugged you back.

"Y/N LETS GO." Your mom yelled making you let go of Camilo. "Goodbye" you said before walking off. "Bye..." Camilo said going back into his room shutting the door.

-With the dude(Austin)you,your mom and his mom-

"Y/n say something" your mom said. You ignored her. "I'm sorry she's just a little upset at the moment." Your mom said "It's fine! So is Austin." His mom said. "You two will be sharing a room you better get along." Austins head shot up. "WHAT?!" You looked back at Casita which was close. You missed Camilo. "Sorry." Y/n said before they all went inside.

-Skip to when Austin and Y/n are in their room-

"Gosh I hate my mom" Austin said sitting on his bed looking at a photo in his hand. "Trust me. I do to. I can't with my mom right now." You said crashing onto the bed next to Austin. "Why? What happened to you?" Austin asked setting the photo down on the table next to the bed. "Well I was supposed to marry Camilo Madrigal but NOOOO" you said looking at the matching necklaces you and Camilo had. "In the same situation as you. I was supposed to marry this girl but my mom said no. It's so unfair." Austin said looking outside the window. "That's what I'm saying!" You replied. "Wait..."
Austin: "Hm..?"
Y/n: "why don't we just leave tonight? Go to Casita then you invite that girl over!"
Austin: "Our moms might get mad."
Y/n: "Might? No. They will. But who cares we need to be happy to."
Austin: "your right."

-Back at Casita-

"YES!" Dolores exclaimed. "What..?" Camilo asked eating his food. "Y/n and Austin are gonna come here tonight!!" Dolores told Camilo. "How?? And who is Austin?" Camilo said looking at Dolores with a happy and confused look. "The dude she's supposed to marry." Dolores said. "Oh." Camilo said continuing to eat.

I've fallen for you {Camilo x Y/n} Where stories live. Discover now