5 ー 'It's just a cold'

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Make sure to have read "Info/About" first before you continue.

This story belongs to me.

Pills and sickness, also possible bloodsucking and/or kissing.
Along with mental illnesses/disorders.

Along with mental illnesses/disorders

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Darcy woke up, it was a Tuesday and it was finally December 29th. She felt dizzy and she was coughing a lot. Her nose was extremely stuffed and her throat hurt.

"Damn.. Another cold?" She said to herself. She looked beside her to see Vanitas still sleeping, she played with his hair as he opened his eyes.
"Morning, Vani." She said.
Vanitas responded, "Morning."

Both got up, Vanitas changed into his normal attire with out his coat, and Darcy changed into a black hoodie and black tight shorts.

The two went downstairs to see Noé and Emma getting along.

Maggie and Selina were sitting on the couch drinking some water.

Darcy walked over to Emma and nudged her shoulder a bit, "Morning, darling." Darcy said in a teasing way.

Emma sighed.

Darcy got some cereal and quickly ate it, she put all the dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on.

She then did rest of the laundry, etc.

Darcy felt exhausted after she finished so she went to her room.

Selina and Maggie followed since they wanted to chat.

"Hm?" Darcy muttered.

"I wanted to chat with you, but those guys." Maggie said.
"Ah, alright." Darcy answered.

They ended up having a long talk before Vanitas walked in.
"Just in time, Vanitas." Selina said in a cold tone as she glared at the black haired male.

Vanitas chuckled.

He took a seat next to Darcy on the carpet.

"So-" Before Maggie could continue Darcy gave her a glare, and gently shook her head.

Vanitas smirked.

Vanitas sighed, "I think you two should leave."

Both girls nodded before exiting the room.

Vanitas moved in front of her. Darcy started to pant.
"Wh..what, Vani?" She asked.
Vanitas hummed as he pulled down his blouse.
Vanitas hummed as Darcy averted her gaze from his eyes to his neck, her breathing getting heavier.

"V-Vanitas.. Now isn't the time.. We have guests over!-" She stuttered.
Vanitas chuckled, "But you need blood? You dont want to hurt your 'guests' now do you?" He said, his smirk growing wider.

"Vanitas- I'm just sick I'll be fine.." Darcy mumbled, Vanitas sighed pulling his blouse back up and pulling Darcy into a warm embrace.

Darcy blushed deeply before he let her go and walked out of the room and downstairs.

Darcy took the time to calm down and get herself together before going back down.

"I see you two birdies are done." Selina teased. Darcy scoffed, sitting next to the pair.

Vanitas was having a chat with Noé while Emma was preparing brunch.

After they are Darcy went back upstairs, she was tired and since she was sick she needed rest.

Vanitas didn't follow, but Noé did.

"Darcy..?" Noé said softly opening the door.
Darcy groaned before sitting up.
"Thirsty?" She asked.
"No, just you've been acting off lately." Noé said.

Darcy hummed as Noé sat beside her on the bed.

A sigh escaped her lips. "What has been off about me?" She asked. "You've been running away with Vanitas to your room and whenever he comes back down I can smell his blood stronger then before, like he was bitten." Noé answered.

Noé's shirt was in somewhat of a v neck, exposing his collar bone. (He was still in his PJ's lol) Which caused the brunettes mouth to water, as her breathing picked up.

Noé took notice and became slightly frightened.

"Uh- Darcy?" Noé asked, before Darcy pinned him down on the bed, she sat on his waist.

"Please.." She mumbled.

Noé pushed her off and quickly ran out, Darcy lay in her bed holding her neck.

"Vanitas! Emergency-" Noé said.

Vanitas quickly ran upstairs and silently opened and closed the door walking towards her, not to frighten Darcy.

He stood just beside the bed and Darcy could see him though the room was slightly dark because the blinds were closed.

He lowered his blouse again, and at that moment-


He was on the floor underneath Darcy, and he felt a stinging pain in his neck that was soon numbed.

He stroked her hair.



Maggie was alerted by the noise, and sneakily went upstairs.

Silently opening the door a crack to see Darcy on top of Vanitas biting into his neck.

Maggie got slightly frightened and closed the door, backing away a bit.

She just went downstairs and plopped down into her bed, trying to erase the image in her head and the sounds Vanitas was making.


When it came morning, Maggie didn't talk to the two and instead laying in bed, before getting out around 10:30AM.

As she got dressed and exited, there was a knock on the door which Darcy answered to see a familiar face.

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