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Darcy opened her eyes slowly to be met with darkness, only the small shine of a night light.

In front of her was Vanitas, and as she looked at him she noticed the wounds on his neck.

She recalled what happened last night and became extremely flustered, looking down.

She sighed, closing her eyes and going back to sleep.

When she woke up, it was still dark out, though it was around four in the morning.

Vanitas was sound asleep, so Darcy gently got out of bed and changed.

She changed into a oversized baby blue sweatshirt and white ripped jean shorts.

She went downstairs to see a note.

Went out with Noé, staying at a Hotel nearby! Text me anytime love, xoxo.


Darcy hummed.

"Really dragging that idiot around.." She sighed, grabbing a small peanut butter cookie and eating it in two(ish) bites.

Vanitas came down in a slightly oversized black T-shirt and dark (almost black) blue shorts.

He looked at Darcy as he yawned.

"Why are you up so early..?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"Couldn't sleep, you?" She said in a soft tone as Vanitas was still waking up.

"You woke me up." He said, a laugh escaping his lips as he hugged her waist from behind.

"Hm?" She hummed, looking at his face which rested on her shoulder.

"Nothing.. Can we lay down..?" He asked.
"Sure." Darcy responded.

They both walked upstairs before going into the bedroom and laying down.

Hands intertwined, Darcy's face on Vanitas' chest.

Darcy didn't fall asleep, but Vanitas did.

For about half an hour, that is.

He woke up, sighing.

"Done sleeping? Can I go now I have to babysit.." Darcy inhaled.

Vanitas groaned, pouting.

"Whyyyy??" He asked.

"Emma's preeettyy immature to be honest, and she has younger siblings that she can't watch because she has schoolwork to catch up on." Darcy explained.

Vanitas let go off her hand, allowing her to get up and leave.

Darcy walked over to Emma's house, which never really was too far away.

She knocked on the door and was greeted by Emma's younger brother who hugged her and let her in where Emma was playing with her little sister.

Darcy helped Emma catch up sometimes while cleaning the house, cooking lunch and dinner, and taking care of the children.

When it was around 9:00PM Emma's parents came back, which means Darcy was able to leave and go back home.

When she got home she was exhausted. She collapsed on the couch, beside Vanitas.

Vanitas hummed, as she pulled down his collar on started gently nibbling on the bite.

Vanitas winced.

"Wh-What're you?-"
Vanitas asked.

Darcy stopped for a second.
Vanitas could feel her breath on his neck.

She smiled.

She bit down into his neck, where the previous bite mark was.

He let out a slightly strangled moan.

Darcy closed her eyes tightly.

After a few gulps she pulled away, looking at Vanitas like he was her prey.

He didn't like it, he didn't like the burning look in her eyes.

She smirked.

"I'll be going out, goodbye."
She said, cleaning her face and leaving a flushed Vanitas.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. I don't have much motivation rn to write and I don't want to leave this as a draft for like half a year lol 😭😭

If y'all have any ideas let me know plsss I need them !

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