Chapitre 4

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Chapitre 4:

The ball had been going for a few hours now. Men had seduced women into their room without their husband's knowledge. The king had talked with some of his most loyal subjects and partners. Charlotte had been dancing her night from the arms of different rich men. Meanwhile, Célestine was secretly reading her book hiding in the corner. Her dear Apollon had left her as soon as they arrived to go talk business with the other men. Célestine did not mind being by herself, reading had always been her getaway.

"Hadès profita d'un jour où Perséphone se promenait seule. Alors qu'elle se penchait pour respirer le parfum d'une fleur, la terre trembla avec fracas. Une faille s'ouvrit brusquement d'où surgit le dieu des Enfers, monté sur un char à quatres chevaux noirs. Elle n'eut pas le temps de se remettre de sa frayeur car il la saisit par la taille et l'emporta avec lui. L'attelage disparut aussi vite qu'il était apparu et la brèche se referma sur eux." - Claude Pouzadoux

{Hades took advantage of a day when Persephone was walking alone. As she leaned down to breathe in the scent of a flower, the earth shook with a crash. A rift opened suddenly from which emerges the god of the Underworld, mounted on a chariot with four black horses. She didn't have time to recover from her fright because he grabbed her by the waist and carried her with him. The team disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and the breach closed on them.}

Suddenly, her book was taken away from her hands. She looked up and saw none other than her favorite cousin Charlotte.

"La petite princesse {The little princess}, can not socialize with others so she has to read alone. Pauvre Célestine {Poor Célestine}, better hide with that outfit of who knows you are wearing," she said bitterly throwing the book on the floor.

"Je préfère lire que de parler avec des personnes inculte comme toi, Charlotte. {I prefer reading to talking with uncultured people like you, Charlotte}. The last time I checked, it was your party, should you not be spending your time with people that actually appreciate you. Oh but as I recall no one here appreciates you! They are only here because they were either forced to like me or only wanted sa majesté's attention. Now leave me alone if you may, return to all your sickening "in love" puppies who only want you in their bed." Célestine answered picking up her book and quickly returning to her story.

"And I'm dressed as the goddess Artémis, you would know that if you did not spend your time parading in pitiful outfits like the one you right now," she finished not bothering to look up to her cousin which made the young Charlotte leave red from shame.

The story of Persephone and Hades was filling all her thoughts and just like them she wanted romance. She wanted someone to help her escape, freeing her from this world she hated. She wanted to go on a new adventure, the adventure of Love. No one ever showed interest in her, they were either scared of her because of her relationship with the king or they showed only interest in wanting to approach the king. However, every gentleman knew laying one hand on Célestine even if it was a romantic touch would cause them the king's wrath. So after a few years, she had given up on being loved, her only cure was reading her loneliness away.

"Que lisez-vous ma chère {What is it your reading, my dear} ?" a voice asked

She quickly looked up and locking eyes with her dear Apollon. A soft smile appeared on her face.

"Persephone and Hades' myth," she answered while a tint of rose was starting to appear on her cheeks.

"Je l'ai lu il y a peu de temps, magnifique histoire d'amour {I read it a while ago, magnificent love story}. Hades choosing to let Persephone live happily within the mortals is one of the most beautiful love declarations to ever exist. Have you read Orpheus and Eurydice's myth?" he said sitting down on the chair next to her. Their legs were touching while their breathing synchronized.

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