Back to a world unknown

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╰┈➤ Your POV

'Thanks, Captain Beidou,' I say as I step off her ship. This was my second time in Inazuma, and oh how it had changed! I wave to Beidou and Kazuha as they start to unload shipments off the boat. This is it, I take the first steps into my past.

I take my notebook out from my bag I'm carrying. There is a list of people and places I wish to visit. Ayaka, Ayato, Thoma. They're the three on the top of the list. I had never met Thoma, but Ayaka had mentioned him in the letters we had exchanged. Speaking of, the three should be waiting for me near the outskirts of Ritou. 

There they are! That's Ayaka, as beautiful and elegant as ever, and that must be Thoma. But, where's Ayato? Disregarding the absence of my childhood friend, I approach the pair with a wide smile. 

'Ayaka!' I run up to the white haired girl and embrace her in a tight hug. She's shorter than me, one inch? Maybe two? And then there was Thoma, he's at least six feet. six foot one even. 
'Here, let me take your bag,' He gives me a warm smile. Before I can even respond, he takes the bag from my hand. 
'So, Y/N, how have you been?' Ayaka grins at me, even though the last letter I sent was yesterday.
'You know, I've been fine, very excited to return home!' I glanced at her, 'How about you?'
'Very excited for your return!' Ayaka glances at my hand, 'No way... Is that a Hydro vision?!' Ayaka looks very excited. Had I not told her? She told me all the details of the day that she got her vision.
'Hehe... Yeah, it is...' I say sheepishly, feeling guilty that I didn't tell her. 
'Well, spill! How did you get it?' Ayaka exclaims, I love this side of her, she acts so formal, and shy when in public, but when you befriend her she's honestly quite fun!

'Well, its quite the story... The day that I left Inazuma, was the day that me and my parents had a huge fight. They thought I wasn't smart enough to escape Inazuma, but after making a small boat and setting sail, it was quite easy. Its just most people never try. It was tough when I hit the storm, but that was it. I reached the shore of Mondstadt, and a green bard found me and took me into town. He had nowhere to stay himself, so he brought me to the grand master; Jean. You know her, I've told you all about her. She said I could stay at the headquarters until I was able to get a place to stay for myself. After meeting the knights, I decided that one day I would join them. So, I trained for years. Until I thought I was ready to try for the open spot. I was going against a tall, powerful woman. She beared a Cryo vision and a claymore. We were competing with all we had for that spot. But, as expected by everyone, the woman - Eula - won by a landslide. So, I stayed up that night training, until I thought I could take on a ruin hunter. I went into the wild to find one, and once I did, I aimed my bow and took it out with one shot. I felt exhausted and went back to my room and passed out. I woke up late the next morning, and there was a warmth coming from my hand. I looked to see a deep blue glow, it was a vision! That was 2 months ago. I never made it to the knights, so I came here!' I explain, as well as I can remember.

'Whoa,' Thoma mutters.
'YOU TOOK IT OUT WITH ONE HIT?! That's incredible!' Ayaka says while hugging me. 
I grin at the two as I look around us, were approaching the Kamisato estate. I can see Ayato standing near the gate, awaiting our arrival. I wave to him as Ayaka and Thoma chat.
'Y/N!' He calls as he walks towards us.
'Hi, Ayato!' I say, embracing him in a hug. 
'Its good to see you're well,' He grins at me, and I nod in response. 

As we entered the estate, Thoma shows me where I'll be staying. I sit down on the big bed, ready to rest and check some things off my list tomorrow. While I'm looking at the list, I hear a knock on the door.

'Come in!' I say.
'Hey Y/N, do you remember Yoimiya?' Ayaka smiles as she stands at the door. 
I think for a moment, 'Hm, slightly, why?' 
'She's down on the beach now if you'd like to say hi,' Ayaka turns to walk away, as I think for a second, yeah, I'll go and greet her.

As my foot places into the sand, I glance around. I see a girl who seems to shine in the sunlight, her pyro vision burning as strong as the aura she gives off. Suddenly, I feel stiff. She seems so... Beautiful, so strong. She seems to be fighting off a group of hilichurls. I start to approach her as she takes out the last one. Putting away her bow. 

'Yoimiya?' I tap her on the shoulder.
'Huh?' She turns around, and my e/c eyes meet her burning orange ones. It seems that time freezes for a second as we just look at each other.
Suddenly she breaks the moment, 'I'm sorry, do I know you?'
I freeze. 'Oh! Sorry, I'm Y/N, do you remember me?' I grin as she narrows her eyes.
'Oh right! The one that ran away?' She says as she puts her fist to her closed hand.
'Yep, eheh... That's me..' I say, honestly ashamed that's how she remembered me. 
'Well~ what brings you back to Inazuma?' She says, giving me a cheesy grin.
'Well, uh... I missed everyone and I wanted to apologise to my parents,' I look down at the ground to try to hide my hot red cheeks, I couldn't tell is it was from shame or from these feelings.
'I know your parents! How about I take you to them tomorrow?' She offers. 
I look at her, 'That would be awesome! I'm staying at the Kamisato estate, come and get me whenever you want.' 
She nods, 'Oh gosh! The sun is going down! I ought to go...' She runs off while waving. I slowly wave back. Why am I feeling this way?

I sigh as I flop onto my bed, replaying todays events in my head.
Coming back home, seeing Ayaka, meeting Thoma, seeing Ayato, Yoimiya...

I stop myself from swooning over her, and I eventually fall asleep.

Its just a crush... Nothing more... Right?



i hope youre enjoying this so far! Its quite fun to write.

man i love yoimiya

please leave recommendations for future x readers here~

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