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I sit up in bed, eager to start the day. I take out my note pad, and look over my list of items. 

-Dango Milk
-Naku weed

I brush my finger over it, lets start with dango. I suppose I'll start with dangos and work my way down the list. I'll try to make it myself, it'll mean more if I do it like that. Just, how to make them... I'll ask Thoma, he does all the cooking here. 
As I walk down the hall towards Thomas room, I remember when Yoimiya told me her favourite food was dangos. I'll make them the best I can for her!

I reach Thomas room and knock on the door. 
'Thoma? Can I have some help with something?' I say.
'Yeah! What is it?' Thoma steps out of his room and smiles at me.
'Do you know how to make dangos?'

Within a few minutes we were in the kitchen and he was explaining how to make dangos. I'm not the best cook... So he'll probably do most of the cooking.

'And then we're done!' Thoma finishes telling me the recipe. 
'Ahh... I think I got... Some of it,' I try to remember all the steps. 
'Don't worry, I'll give you a hand,' Thoma chuckles.
'Thanks Thoma,' I say, grinning at him. 
'Why do you even want to make dangos anyway?' He asks as we walk to the kitchen. 
'Well, me and Yoimiya had a tiny fight... And she likes dangos, so I wanted to make some for her,' I tell him.
'Oh! That's a great idea!' Thoma smiles as we reach the kitchen. 

We begin to make the dangos, and it's actually a lot of fun! And I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

45 minutes pass, and the dangos are complete!

'Here you go, I hope she likes them!' Thoma hands me a tray with 5 dangos on it. 
'Thanks Thoma!' I say, as I transfer them to a pretty plate and wrap them in cling wrap.
'No worries, good luck by the way!' Thoma smiles as I head out of the estate. 

Where on earth do I get gunpowder? I think to myself as I wander the streets of Inazuma.
Yoimiya had told me that she was short on gunpowder and needed it to make fireworks, I hope she hasn't picked up any yet...

I can see a stall with a woman standing behind it, so I go ask for some help.

'Hello! Do you know where I can get some gun powder?' I ask.
'Ah, shopping for Yoimiya I see? Just down around the corner, the second stall,' The woman points me down the street.
'Thank you!' I send a wave her way before walking in the direction she pointed. 

I reach the street the woman pointed to and stop at the second stall, yep! This is it.

The stall owner was quite rude, saying I probably didn't need the gunpowder, so I just buy it and leave. 

I place the gunpowder in a bag, separate from the one I use to carry the food. Next thing is dango milk! Luckily for me, it's nice and close. 

I arrive at the stall, 'Hello! Can I please have two bottles of dango milk?' 
'Sure thing. That will be 3000 mora,' The stall owner says, reaching for the milks.
'Alright,' I hand him the mora and put the milk beside the dangos in my basket.

I wonder where the best spot to get chocolate is? As I'm wandering around, I see that the sun in high in the sky and I'm yet to eat breakfast. Just thinking that I see a restaurant, Uyuu restaurant. Well that's easy! I step inside. 

Hmm, what to have... I decide to keep it simple and have a bowl of miso soup. Within minutes, my soup was sitting in front of me, steaming hot. I blow on the soup and take a taste. Whoa. This is 10x better than regular miso soup! I quickly finished up, paid and left the restaurant. Now, chocolate... I wander around the streets looking at all the stalls. I see a stall near the adventurers guild. Tsukumono groceries... I wonder if they sell chocolate? 

'Hello! Do you sell chocolate here?' I ask the lady at the counter. 
'Yes! How much would you like?' She asks, gesturing towards the chocolates.
'Two bars please,' I rummage through my bag to find some mora, 'Oh! Do you know where to get naku weeds or candies?'
'We have some here, would you like some too?' The lady asks, I nod my head.
'3 naku weeds and 1 bag of candies please!' I grab some more mora and pay for the supplies. I placed them in the bag with the rest of the treats. Now, if I head back to the estate and arrange a nice basket, I'm sure Yoimiya will forgive me! 

It was late into the noon by the time I was finished the basket. I had intertwined the flowers into the handles, and borrowed some ribbon from Ayaka to tie cute bows onto the wrapper of the candies, and I tried to make the gunpowder look as pretty as possible, but I didn't want it to spill out. Well then! I'm going to head to Yoimiyas house and win her back!

I walked down towards Inazuma city, I wanted to give her the basket by sunset. I arrived in the city and found my way to Yoimiyas house. I could see her dad sitting outside, sketching something on a piece of paper.

'Hello Mr. Nagonohara!' I greet him and walk over, 'Is Yoimiya home?'
He shakes his head, 'No, she's out with a friend.'
'Ah, thank you...' I walk into town, clutching the basket tight. I wonder who she's with?

The sky was painted with purples and oranges, and the street light started to flicker on. It was beautiful here. I walked towards Komore tea house. When I see her. Yoimiya and Ayaka were walking and laughing. Snacking on dangos. 

'Y/N!' Ayaka calls out. I feel so confused... I told Ayaka how I was feeling... Why is she here, with Yoimiya? Is she trying to pull something?! 
'Oh... Ayaka, what are you doing here?' I say, squeezing the handle of the basket.
'Me and Yoimiya were just-' Ayaka begins.
'Wait, can I talk to you alone?' Yoimiya looks at me, staring into my soul. I gulp.
'Sure...' I feel so flustered and scared. 

Yoimiya leads me to behind the tea house. 
'Y/N. I'm...' 
'Please take this!' I give her the basket and hide my face, trying to hide the redness that spread across my cheeks. 
Yoimiya gently takes the basket from my hands, 'Whoa! All of my favourite things in one place?!' Yoimiya rummages through the basket, and glances up at me, 'That includes you, you know!' I feel my face heat up. 
'We... We shouldn't keep Ayaka waiting,' I say.
'Right, wanna join us? We were planning on hanging out tonight, maybe having a sleepover?' She bashfully asks. 
'Yes!' I exclaim, I'm looking forward to a sleepover with my best friend and... Her...


im sorry for not updating for like, 3 weeks!! 

i hope you like this chapter!

i'll try to update again in the next few days. 

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