A Festival With You

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Today's the day! It's festival day!

I put on my best outfit, and grab the small box placed on my desk; a gift for Yoimiya. 

I hear a knock on my door, 'Y/N?'
'Ayaka! Come in!' The door slides open.
'Ah! You look lovely,' Ayaka smiles.
'So do you, do you need anything?' I ask, putting the box down again. 
'Just wanted to let you know we're leaving soon,' Ayaka says. 
'Oh, isn't Yoimiya coming to get us?' I recall that while at the shrine she told me this.
'Yes, she is. She's coming up the hill now.'
'Ah! She is? Oh no, I'm not ready!' I rush towards the mirror in my room and start to brush out my H/L hair. 
Ayaka giggles, 'You look fine. Don't worry!'
And that's when we hear a knock on the door.

'Yoimiya! Would you like to come in?' Thoma says as me and Ayaka walk out. 
'Sure, but only for a short while, we're in a hurry!' Yoimiya steps inside. 
'Hello Yoimiya, looking forward to the festival?' Ayato sips a cup of tea. 
'I am! It's going to be a bunch of fun!' Yoimiya turns towards me and Ayaka, 'Whoa. You guys look amazing!' She rushes over to us and pulls us both into a hug. 

After talking as a group for a few more minutes, Yoimiya announces it's time to go, and we all pile out the door. 

'Ayato! You're coming too?' Yoimiya is slightly surprised when Ayato follows us all out the door. 
'You'd be surprised to see who else is coming,' I chuckle. 
'Huh?! Who is it? Tell me!' Yoimiya grabs my arm and shakes me a little while everyone else laughs, 'Do they know too?' 
'No, only I do,' I use my free hand to pat Yoimiyas head. In return, she smiles and slides her hand down my arm and locks fingers with mine. 

Ayaka seems more energetic than usual, she talks excitedly with Ayato and Thoma.

'She looks so happy,' I smile towards Ayaka. 
'Yeah, I think if she had to go alone she would be a lot more sad,' Yoimiya says as I turn my head to her. 
'I think so too.' 

After a moment in silence, my thoughts start to wonder. Hm. When should I give my gift to Yoimiya? Despite my bag not really fitting this outfit I still have it. It's handy. The small sized box is snug into the bag, among my various other items I carry with me. 

'Y/N!' Someone calls my name which brings me back to reality, 'Do you still have that kamera?' Ayaka asks. 
'Yeah I do, do you want to take some photos?' I open my bag and pull out the kamera. 
'Yes!' Ayaka claps excitedly. 
'Okay, everyone stand together!' I set the kamera up on a stump, set the timer to 10 seconds and run to join the others. 

I take the photo that was printed and shake it to reveal a nice photo of us all. Me on the end, waving, Yoimiya on my right holding up a peace sign, Ayato to her right smiling, Ayaka to his right with her fan in front of her face, and Thoma to her right with a hand on her shoulder. It's lovely. 

'Can I keep it?' Yoimiya traces her fingers on the photo. 
'I don't see why not, we can take more,' I look to the others and they all not their heads. 
'Yay!' Yoimiya holds the photo and spins around with it, 'I love it.'

After a moment of walking, a question pops into my head. 
'Ayaka, why do you always cover your teeth?' I say. Oh shoot! Maybe I shouldn't have... 'I mean I just have never seen them you don't have to tell me!'
'Oh!' Ayaka looks stunned, 'I didn't expect that. Well, if you really want to know I can tell you.'
'Hm... I've never seen them either!' Yoimiya looks at Ayaka. 
'Well, it's because I don't like my teeth. I have a tooth gap,' Ayaka looks slightly embarrassed by this. 
'Yeah, she's always had one,' Ayato says with a slight chuckle. 
'I've never really liked it...' Ayaka says. 
'It's nothing to be ashamed of, m'lady!' Thoma puts a hand on her shoulder. 
Ayaka only smiles and doesn't say anything. 

After not much longer, we arrive at the festival. 

'It's so pretty!' I run around and look at all the sparkling lights and wonderful decorations. 
Yoimiya giggles, 'Thanks!' 
'I'm... I'm here!' A small voice says from an unknown location. Then suddenly a sleepy Sayu pops out from a barrel. 
'Sayu! You came! YAY!' Yoimiya runs over to her and hugs her. 
'I want to go home now...' Sayu sighs. 
'Oh no please stay!' Yoimiya begs, which makes us all laugh. 

After walking around for a while, looking at the stalls and purchasing snacks, the others disappear, leaving me and Yoimiya alone. 

I sigh, 'I knew they'd do this... But hey, now we can have our date!'
'Yeah! Just like planned,' Yoimiya grabs both my hands. But I let go. 
'I have something for you...' I pull out the small white box tied in a red ribbon. 
'This is for me?' Yoimiya looks at it. 
'Yeah... Okay now open it,' I put it in her hands. 
She gently undoes the ribbon and opens the box. There are paper in all different shades of pinks and reds, cut out in hearts. 
'Aww! What is it?' Yoimiya looks at me, confused. 
'Look at one of the hearts,' I say. Yoimiya picks up a pink heart and spins it around. It reads 'Your smile'. 
'It's all the things I love about you...' I say, hiding my red face in my hands. 
'Y/N..!' Yoimiya looks at me, her face also red. Before I know it, she pulls me into a tight hug, 'I love you, Y/N...' 
'I love you too, Yoimiya!' 

Once again, she gives me a soft kiss on the lips. But this time, more passionate, more loving. 

After a moment, Yoimiya pulls away and looks at me. 

'The fireworks are going to start soon!' Yoimiya takes my hand and leads me to the peak of the island. Just above where we had our first kiss. 

It's the same as the first time we watched fireworks together, Yoimiya is dead silent. The firework display has many hearts and symbols of love scattered through it. 

At the very last firework, Yoimiya turns to me. 
'Y/N...' She starts, 'My love for you is bigger than a firework!' 

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