First date!

713 23 3

'Hi Y/N! I was just coming to get you!'
'In the rain?'
'You're gonna get sick! We have to get you warm and dry.'

I take Yoimiyas hand and we start to head back up the hill. We walk in silence, but... That's okay. We don't need to talk to be able to enjoy each others company. 

We arrive back at the Kamisato estate. To be greeted by Ayaka and Thoma, both looking very surprised and a still very confused Ayato. 

'You're here? With Yoimiya?' Ayaka slightly giggles, 'I thought you were going to the city.'
'What's going on?' Ayato asks. 
'Yeah, Yoimiya decided to be stupid and run through the rain to come and get me, we need to get her warm and dry!' I say. 
'What's going on?' Ayato asks again.
'Ok! I'll go and get the towels now,' Thoma rushes into a different room to grab some towels. 
'What's going on?' 
'Are there any heaters?' I ask Ayaka. 
'What's going on?' Ayato seems to be getting frustrated, but its funny. 
'Sure, wait here,' Ayaka walks gracefully into another room. 
'Y/N, what's going on?' Ayato seems to be on his last straw at this point. Yoimiya bursts out laughing. 
'Me and Y/N were gonna go on a date, but the rain was kinda annoying... So I came up the hill to get them!' Yoimiya giggles. 
Ayato chuckles in response, 'That was quite silly of you, Yoimiya.'
'You aren't surprised that we're going on a date?' I ask. 
'No, no. Not at all. You two were made for each other. It's quite easy to see,' Ayato sips from the teacup in front of him. 
'Were back!' Ayaka chimes as her and Thoma walk through the door at the same time. 

After a moment, the air is warm and Yoimiya is snuggled up in a towel. 
'Ahhh, that's nice...' Yoimiya says. We're all seated in the dining area. Yoimiya on my left and Ayato on my right with Ayaka sitting directly in front of me and Thoma sitting to her left. 
'Are you still cold?' I ask Yoimiya.
'Nope! Not at all~!' Yoimiya inches closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder. I can feel my heart racing, as if its trying to escape my throat. 
No one says anything for a moment. 
'What are you two going to do today?' Ayaka smiles.
'Hm... I was thinking we could hang out on the beach!' Yoimiya says excitedly. 
'Like for swimming?' I say. 
'If you'd wanna,' Yoimiya then wraps her arms around me. I can feel myself go stiff with the girl clinging to my side. 
Thoma lets out a chuckle as he sees my nervousness. 
'That's f-fine with me,' I gulp down my nerves, luckily Yoimiya doesn't seem to notice. 
'Ahh... I'm feeling nice and warm and dry now,' Yoimiya sits up, releasing me from her embrace, stretching her arms out.
'Do you want to go now then?' I smile at the cute girl as she turns to me with a grin. 

And like that, we were out the door and ready to go. 

'Do you have swimmers?' I ask Yoimiya. 
'Nope, but I don't think we'll really need them if we just splash around a bit.'
'Oh, that's what you meant... Don't you think its a strange time for the beach? It's a cold day today after all.'
'Yeah, but we'll be fine. Don't be so worried!'

I sigh and try to push any negative thoughts out of my head. 

We're walking down the hill, in silence. Again... All there is to do is think about all the fun we'll have! The wonderful thoughts fill my head, but suddenly, it's all interrupted. A warmth on my hand brings me out of my daze. I look to my side to see Yoimiya smiling bashfully. Usually she'd have a huge goofy smile on her face but this is... Different. She seems different.

'Are you alright?' I ask her. 
'Ah! Yeah. Sorry,' Yoimiya adjusts her face away from mine. But I can see the redness on her cheeks. 
'No need to be sorry, look! We're here!' After not long, we arrive at the beach that I met her again. 
'Whoa! Look at the view~!' Yoimiya runs towards the water, but not quite touching it.
'Careful! You'll get your shoes wet!' I giggle and sit down, removing my shoes. 
'Ah, right!' Yoimiya runs back towards me and removes her shoes too. 

And just as we had planned, we spent hours splashing and playing in the water. But after much time had passed, we both collapsed onto the sand. 

'This is so much fun!' Yoimiya grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. 
'I agree! But, I'm starting to get hungry.'
'Me too... Wanna walk back down to the city and grab lunch?'
'Sounds perfect!'

And with that, we start to walk back to the city. Hand in hand we walk through the familiar forest. 

Yoimiya turns to me. Completely out of the blue, she says, 'Y/N, I really like spending time with you!'
I have a feeling she's going to give me some bad news. 
'I like to spend time with you too,' I smile at her and squeeze her hand. She turns her face away from me, her smile still wide as ever.

The bad news I was expecting never came. I suppose she just wanted to tell me. 

After a few minutes, we're out of the forest and into the open air. Me and Yoimiya are talking and giggling just the same as ever. 

'Where are we going for lunch?' I ask her. 
'Hmm... Its Uuyu restaurant or Kiminami restaurant, you pick!' Yoimiya suddenly lets go of my hand and runs towards a lake with a small waterfall, 'Whoa! Look at this~!'
I walk over to where she's standing, 'That's so pretty!'
'Not as pretty as you though! Hehe~!' Yoimiya then turns and keeps walking towards the city, while I'm stuck standing there. My face red. After a second, I shake myself out of it and catch up to Yoimiya. 

'So?' Yoimiya says. 
'Where do you wanna eat? We're nearly at Kiminami so hurry hurry!' 
'Oh! Uh... I've never tried Kiminami so lets try that.'
'Alrighty then!'

And within a minute, we were seated at Kiminami restaurant. 
'I'll just have the udon noodles please!' Yoimiya orders and puts down her menu. 
'Ah, I'll just have the same then.'

'Y/N? Yoimiya?' Someone says from behind us. 
'Huh?' Me and Yoimiya both say at the same time, turning around. 
'It is you guys! Hi!' A floating pixie thing greets us.
'Aether, Paimon! Hi!'


yes this chapter was rushed yes im tired

thank you so much for 1k reads im so happy omg

anywayyy 2.6 livestream in 3 hours woooo

byebye have a nice day

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