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ellas point of view

i wake up, feeling like i'm gonna puke. fuck. i run to the bathroom and trust me when i say this takes all of my energy it takes ALL of my energy

i throw up and try and stand after and literally fall. i need to go to bed. i practically crawl to my bed and lay back down and look at chris peacefully sleeping.

i feel quick movement on the bed and that's chris waking up and running to the bathroom. besties puking too tf.

i check my phone quickly and see nick texted me

nicolas <3: how are you feeling 😭

ellabella: like death don't start rn.

i put my phone down and manage to get out of bed and go find chris.

i find him kneeling in front of the toilet looking v tired.

i sit on the floor with him and put my back against the wall. he sits back and i put my head on his shoulder "never drinking again." i say barely above a whisper. "tell me about it fuck."

it's a couple hours later and we're feeling just a bit better.

chris is napping, today has been real hard on him. i've never seen someone have a hangover like this tbh.

i hear someone knock on the door but i don't get up. my mom will answer it i think.

matt and nick walk into my room with amusement all over their faces. "be quiet don't even talk, he's so sick." i warn them. "well do u want mcdonald's?" matt whispers. "yes just let me put pants on" i whisper back. they give me a shocked expression "i have shorts on u freaks" i giggle.

we get in the car and decide to leave chris sleep. "if u put the music louder then this i'll jump out of ur car and walk home." i grumble. "someone angry, not our faults you and chris are stupid." nick laughs.

"how do u guys even know anyway." i asked confused "you called me when you were walking in the woods and i thought you guys were gonna die or smth but you told me you didn't want a ride because you guys kept puking" matt explains, nick laughs loudly. "you both were puking?" he laughs "yes we kept gagging at eachother" i crack a smile.

i get chris some fries and nuggets for myself and some pepsi  (soda when ur hungover 😍😍😍)

i get in the house and walk into my room he's laying on the bed eyes open but just laying there not even on his phone. "my phone screen makes me stomach turn" he grumbles "can u come lay with me then we can eat later?" he asks. "yes" i smile.

"are you feeling any better?" i ask him running my fingers through his fluffy hair. (she's sitting up and he has his head in her lap)

"kinda, i'm getting hungry but i'm so scared to puke it up." he admits sadly. i feel bad but we also literally did it to ourselves "i think you should sleep here. we can reheat our food later when we wake up, i don't feel good and i wanna nap." i say. "mhm" he groans.

i shift down to lay on my back he pulls me in close and i instantly fall asleep. this fucking sucks.

AN// shits boutta go down soon 😏😏😏 be ready bruh

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