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── · .゚☆: 2000 BC, MESOPOTAMIA :☆゚. · ──

THE SUN was setting and I needed some fresh air, away from everyone. I love them like family and some are family, but sometimes it's hard to not be annoyed by someone.

I grabbed my beige linen bag with a couple of throwing knives, just in case, something jumps me, and a metal bottle of water. I opened my door only to be met by the one and only Ikaris, who was walking passed my door.

"Hello." I greeted started to walk the opposite way. Ikaris and I never really talked that much in the past 3000 years together, because I had a bad feeling about him, but maybe it would go away on the next planet.

He caught my arm in his hand, he turned his head to look down at my face. "Where are you going?"

"Outside, what's it to you?" I snarled. What does he need to know that for?

"You can't go outside alone, it's nearly night." He reminded me, well more like ordered me.

"Just because they call you the 'boss', doesn't mean you are one." I said and with a flick of my wrist he stood up straight as a soldier, letting go of my arm. "I'll just leave you here, bye laser eyes!" I chuckled, leaving him standing like that.

I jogged down the hallway and out the door, hearing Ikaris yell after me. "Irene! Get back here!"

── · .゚☆: 3RD PERSON P.O.V :☆゚. · ──

Ajak was walking down the hall when she heard Ikaris's voice yelling around. She ran to him, stopping when she saw his back, standing in place, stuck. "Ikaris?"

"Ajak? Oh, thank god. Irene has me stuck here." He groaned, trying to move a centimetre but not budging.

"Where is she?" Ajak asked inspecting his form.

"She left the Domo, I warned her that it wasn't safe because it was nearly night. She obviously didn't listen." Ikaris sighed looking up and rolling his eyes.

"Good to know she and Druig are made for each other." She chuckled. "Well, there's not much I can do. I doubt Druig would even try to control and free you. So you're stuck until she falls asleep or lets you go, somehow."

He let out a curse and a groan, having to suffer the next 3 hours.

── · .゚☆: YOUR P.O.V :☆゚. · ──

I came back onto the ship after nearly 3 hours. I heard people talking in the corridor, then I remembered what I did to Ikaris. Was that what I was holding onto, in my head? I completely forgot about that idiot. I jogged back to him, in front of my room door, where the others were laughing and making fun of him.

"Ha! You couldn't even stop my sister!" Gilgamesh laughed, eating popcorn and leaning on the wall. Popcorn was a new food Phastos had invented, quite delicious I might add.

I snuck over behind Druig, who was the farthest from the group, and propped my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Hello, Druig."

"Look who's back." He whispered, turning around to me and resting his hands on my waist.

"Mhm, how's the show?" I giggled, peeking beside his head and moving my arms up and around his neck.

"Hilarious." He chuckled turning his head to take a glance.

"Indeed, well should I put him out of his misery?" I asked, not so sure I want Ikaris to chase me around the starship.

"It has been almost 3 hours." Druig sighed.

"I guess." I kissed Druig on the cheek before walking forward closer to Ikaris. "I'm back, how's the show, guys?"

"Ha, ha, very funny, Irene. Now, let me go." Ikaris faked a laugh, glaring at me.

"Alright, alright. In my defence though, you can be uncharacteristically annoying." I sighed, waving my hand, causing him to almost face plant into the floor but he caught himself in a plank position.

"Thank you." Ikaris thanked sarcastically.

"All right, everyone go to bed." Ajak ordered, and everyone started to walk off to their quarters.

I smirked turning around and heading into my bedroom and going to bed, as instructed.

𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒 - druig ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now