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── · .゚☆: 18 BC, ATHENS :☆゚. · ──

I had left my room a couple of hours ago, to help Sersi down at the village, meaning I had to leave Druig sleeping in my bed with a note. I re-entered the Domo, on the way to my love, without a second thought. Walking down the hall, I bumped into Makkari.

'Irene! Did you find any news on the Emerald Tablet?' She asked.

'No, I did ask some people though, but everyone claimed it was a myth.' I signed, sighing heavily.

'Alright, thank you anyway.' Makkari smiled warmly. She was probably the nicest Eternals I know.

'Anytime, I'll see you later tonight.' I waved goodbye continuing my way to my room, where Druig should've been, most likely still sleeping.

I opened the door slowly, in case he indeed was still asleep, and he was. I shut the door, quietly, and crawled onto the mattress. He was laying on his back with his arms everywhere. I chuckled silently, sitting lightly beside his shoulder. I placed my hand on his bare chest, rubbing his shoulder with the pads of my fingers. 

He grumbled awake, fluttering his eyes open and immediately latching onto mine. "Hello, gorgeous."

"Evening, darling. How'd you sleep?" I smiled softly above him.

"Pretty good, until you left." He pouted, closing his eyes back.

I sighed, rolling my eyes in the dark, while fighting a smile because he missed me. I laid down beside him on my side, he followed my motion. Now that we were lying face to face, I leaned forward grabbing his lips in a kiss. We pulled apart after a while beaming at each other.

"I'm sorry, I had to help Sersi with the village." I apologized as he wrapped and draped his arm onto my waist. 

"Mhm. I love you Irene."

"I love you 5000.." 5000 symbolizes how long we've been on this planet and best friends.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. · ───

I was rushing to pry my suit onto my body, another deviant attack today. None of the team was very... ready per say, because attacks usually only took place in the morning or late evening, but right now it was night. And not to mention, Makkari was out looking for another artifact across the world, meaning she was too far for us to communicate with her. 

I ran quickly down the hall, hoping I could say goodbye to Druig in time. I knock harshly on his door. He threw it open, making yet another snarky comment. "Miss my charm already?"

I threw myself in his arms. I mumbled in his chest. "Another attack, I need to go." 

"Ok... Be safe, darling." He reminded me, pulling us apart and pecking my cheek.

"I always am, I love you!" I yelled running down the hall and hearing his chuckle behind me.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. · ───

I unsheath my sword, cutting off one's tail and hopping on its back. I got closer to the head, before slamming my sword into the skull. I aerial off landing perfectly on the ground, about a meter away from the cliff, which led down into the Aegean Sea. I looked to my left seeing Kingo struggling to keep one still, I stretched out an arm, holding it in place for him. 

"Thanks, Rene!" He yelled after murdering the creature. 

I nodded back, signalling I had heard him. Suddenly a deviant shove me into the water with its nose, while I was distracted. I fell into the water, feeling wave after wave, pushing me farther away from the team. Eventually, I passed out from the impact of hitting my head on a rock of coral, after the largest wave I had ever felt. 

𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒 - druig ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now