The New Girl in Town

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Nightmare's POV:

(A/n: I bet you weren't expecting this. BOOM new POV! I've also decided to make this chapter longer to apologize for taking so long to make the chapters I've already made.)

I was on my way to the library. Dream didn't have any time to return the books today, so it's my responsibility to return them. Dream was too busy today playing with his 'friends' and trying baked goods from the bakery. Dream said he would return them this afternoon, but he didn't come back to the tree till late.

He got me strawberry Candies as an apology, I forgive him. I can only hope I don't run into the villagers on my journey.

Thankfully the Library isn't too far from the tree. The library was one of the few buildings that were close enough to the hill that I didn't have to worry as much. I still kept my guard up, you never know when one of the villagers will show up.

Walking in I breathe a sigh of relief. Almost no one went to the library this late in the day. However, to my shock There was someone else here. I felt their emotions.

Someone is here. They are confused, upset, and lost. I'm going to avoid them, put my books up, grab something to read, and leave. I can't let them see me.

I dropped my books next to a shelf. I didn't want to be spotted for speed's sake! I couldn't afford to be tidy. Grabbing the first book I see without thought and bolted for the front door.

I had just started to escape when suddenly I was startled by the grip around my sleeve. Getting ready to defend myself I spun around to face the attacker. Even if I couldn't attack them myself I at least wanted them to not kick me in the back. I'm still a bit sore from the last time they did that. Escaping wasn't an option after they spotted me. I couldn't help the panic that showed.

I had to pretend to be stupid. The villagers tend to beat me up less if they enjoyed it more. Being stupid was a form of enjoyment for them, right?

"C-can I h-help you, miss?"

She's staring at me. Her emotions don't show anger towards me, how odd. Out of all her emotions I sense that she's curious. Most of the time people are affected by my aura. They always got angry or hateful and took it out on me. why isn't she?

Why isn't she hitting me? Why hasn't she started screaming at me about how I should be dead? Why isn't she affected by my negativity like everyone else? Instead of being affected by my aura...she seems curious about me?

Shoot! How long have I been staring at her? I can tell she's studying me. I can't help but be suspicious of her. If she's not attacking me there must be a reason for it. She probably wants something from my brother. I'm sure Dream would fall head over heels for her. She is quite pretty.

"Sorry.....I can't read. I was wondering if you could-"

Read? Is that all she wants? Can she not read at her age? I can't help but relax the feeling in my bones finally easing. I now know she doesn't mean any trouble. Why doesn't she just go home and ask her parents to read to her? I shouldn't trust her. She probably has an ulterior motive.

"You want ME to read you a story? Why don't you just ask your parents to do it?"

Ah ha! Stopped you in your tracks. If I straight up refuse, who knows what she'll do. However, if I point out the obvious she won't bother me anymore. I can make it to Dream safely. I won't have to worry about this kid pulling any stunts around my brother.

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