New World

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Waking up on the floor once again the little soul sat up and stared at the small universes above her. They all seem to be different colors or shapes. Some of them are closer to the ground than the others. Can't touch them though, She is too small.

having nothing better to do she stands up and ready her legs to jump. Her eyes are on the closest 'star' It should be easier to get too. It was only six feet above her head. Most of them were at least ten feet above her. She will need a running head start to even graze it.

The universe ahead of her, mockingly floating there.

Taking off into a sprint she reaches her right arm up ready to grab it! She bends her knees and JUMPS for the universe. The feathers on her back seem to respond. They open up; giving the little soul a boost, but feels clumsy.

Damn! She almost got it. She missed by a foot. Trying again, She backs up to give herself another running start. Now she knows the feathers are useful in jumping. Taking off for the 'star' with all of her speed! She opens her feathers up as she leaps into the air. The feathers flap downwards Giving her enough of a boost to grab it.

"Got you!!"

A graceful landing seemed to not be a part of the plan however. Thankfully her butt was saved by the soft grass below.

Looking around she quickly finds out that she is no longer in the dark space. Her eyes slowly adjust to the sudden light, she finds an array of colors. The ground is soft and covered in mostly green, but with sudden patches of random colors. Trees all around her with their sudden browns and greens on them. Her new prize is no longer in her hands. It seemed to have vanished.

On her right is a clearing. In the distance of that clearing is a blocky shape. To the left are more trees and some bushes. ahead of her is the lining between the two. Which way should she go??




Despite the blinding light in the clearing her curiosity gets the better of her. She chooses to go right. She wants to find out what the blocks were in the distance. She steps out of the shade and begins her journey.

*Not even ten minutes out of the forest*

"Why is it so hot here!! I feel like I'm burning to death!"

Turns out the little soul is not used to the heat of the sun. She continues her journey in agony. She slowly makes her way throw the clearing. Studying every shape and color. It was a bit overwhelming compared to her bland home with little dots of colors in the "sky" known to her as "small universes". She studied the tall grass under her feet, the bugs, the occasional tree, the sky, even the sounds everything made.

The noise was just as overwhelming as the world around her. She wasn't used to hearing anything. It was too loud in her sensitive ears. She couldn't understand. She sat on the ground closing her eyes and covering her ears to block everything out. She hummed to herself to help block it all out.

When she finally made it to her destination, She hated not taking the shady forest. Apparently the forest circled around this place. She could have been in the darkness of the forest instead of a long walk in the heat.

Her pov:

Looking at the forest I can see where the trees stop and the grass gets taller. The grass is replaced as it gets closer to the living area. Some of the grass is replaced with.... something sort of plant being held up by sticks. The plant dominates this one small area, it is a red...fruit plant? perhaps a type of berry that grows on a vine? I am filled with confusion. Looking a little closer to the living space I can see other clusters of plants with....Different colors on them.

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