The Muscles Pt2

484 15 3

Main characters Involved : Y/n, Martha, and Toni

Present :

"Okay, drink up Toni" you say tilting the water bottle so that she could drink something

"I-I don wanpfh anfing frm yu" Toni half spat half muttered out, trying to push the water bottle away from her face

At first you could take it, the light pounding in your head, but now not so much. It had been a task just to keep your eyes open, you felt weak, and now the pounding in your head felt as though it were about to explode any second now. And it was clear your level of patients was starting to demolish. Fucking muscles you chuckle to yourself.

"Toni drink the fucking water, it'll make you feel better. I'm exhausted and not in the mood to fight with you so please" you inhale a deep breath "just drink it"

The girl hesitates for a couple of seconds glaring at you with her swollen puffy eyes, before slowly taking a couple of sips from the water bottle then laying back down

"Y/n!" someone shouts over to you "Y/n I got medicine"

Peering over your shoulder you notice an estranged Leah sprinting over to you holding up a white pill in both hands "I-I have 3 pills" Leah pants handing them over to you

"Perfect okay, I'll give one to Martha and you give the other to Toni" you order scrambling over to Martha who was standing up looking quite puzzled at the sight of you

"W-Whats happening Y/n"

"Leah managed to find some pills from the pilot's bag, the one Shelby found. They'll help you keep things down. Do you think you'll be able to take the pill?"

"Yeah I think I can" she replies

"Okay, perfect" you say as she tosses the pill in her mouth and flushes it down with some water.

"Leah hows Toni d-?" your sentence was interrupted by the cries of Leah's voice calling for help "Dot! DOT!!"

Turning around you see Toni mid way vomiting a mess of foamy white on the ground obviously in a lot of discomfort.

"Shit, Leah what the hell happened?" Dot asks as she sits down beside Toni "Was she able to swallow the pill"


"Common Leah spit it out" you shout at the girl "were running out of time"

"She took the pill... b-but... I think she puked it up" Leah informs the group of girls who now sat in a circle around Toni unsure of what to do.

There was a moment of silence until you spoke out

"We still have one more pill" you whisper

"Y/n what are you talking about" Fatin questions

"I haven't taken my pill yet" you announce causing everyone to look at you, unsure of what to say or do

"Y/n are you sure" Shelby speaks out, breaking the silence

"She looks really bad. If she doesn't get better she'll probably..." you hesitate as your throat begins to tighten "she just needs it more than I do."

The pounding inside your head was almost unbearable and it was a struggle to keep your eyelids open. All you could remember was you handing the pill to Shelby who forced Toni to swallow it, everyone sitting in silence for a few moments before splitting up, and Martha helping you sit down, before everything started to blur.

Every once and awhile you'd look around and see Martha switching between taking care of Toni then you. You were glad to see that the pill seemed to be working. It was clear that Martha was already getting most of her energy back, even Toni was starting to get the color back in her skin.

As time passed, your breathing became ragged as it was getting difficult to breathe and trying to keep your eyes open for even short periods of time was utterly exhausting.

You're done for you think to yourself. There's absolutely nothing you can do...Scratch that absolutely nothing anyone can do. You're going to die here on this island, a million miles away from home, with a group of unlucky individuals who are stuck on this god forsaken place, not to mention a girl that full heartedly hates you. How ironic. 


"Y/n? Y/n can you hear me?" the raspy voice hesitates before sighing "you shouldn't have done that...Not for me anyways." 

You knew who it was, you could tell by her voice. But as hard as you tried you were too tired to open your eyes, nevertheless move, so all you could do was lay on the ground and listen.  

"Why y/n... God why did you do  it y/n" the voice croaks out, sniffling in between each word.  

It's because I love you Toni you wanted to cry out Its because I've never stopped loving you

"All this time... the way I treated you... the things I said about you... Y/n Im sorry. Im sorry. Im so sorry." 

Everything goes silent for a minute, which scares you a little. You can't tell if Toni is talking or if she's even beside you anymore. Maybe you're dead? 

"You have to wake up Y/n!" Toni shouts at you "Open your eyes! Dot said that the other pills she gave you are going to help you get better. So wake up!" 

"Wake up!" 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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