strawberry 🍓

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boil the milk and roast the coffee beans. The rich smell fills the café and I smile, satisfied. I check the time, it's only 6. It's still a bit dark but it's pretty. It feels warm inside the café. I look outside and see the sun peeking, a light shade of orange begins to engulf the sky. It makes me feel alone, but the good kind of alone. Like I have time to think. It's like nobody can disturb my thoughts. Just me, myself and I.

I decide to listen to some music so I put on my favorite playlist.

I just wanna feel
Real love feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
And I need to feel
Real love and the love ever after
I cannot get enough

I sing while making the cake batter. 

I stop singing when I hear the bell ring. The door opens, " Good Morning Darling, oh it smells divine. And is that Robbie ? " Isabella says as she comes in and does a little dance to the music.

" Good Morning Isabella  and yes that is Robbie. " and I smile. 

" there's that dimpled smile " she says and puts on her apron. 

" Already roasted the coffee? looks like I'll be leaving this shop in good hands " She praises.

" you bet ! " I laugh.

Even though I practically run the café, I'm excited to be the owner ! But Isabella gives a magic touch to everything, of course I know all the recipes but when she makes it, it just tastes special. 

We roll the dough, make jam and take out the baked cake from the cooler that I put in after baking it this morning. Isabella handles the pastries and I get started on the ganache and frosting for the cake. I can't help but eat a bit of the chocolate. mmHmmm it's soo perfect and warm. I dip the strawberries and pop it in my mouth. The chocolate melts instantly and leaves a dark, sweet taste on my palate. Then I bite into the strawberry and it fills my mouth with the sour fruitiness. Mmm perfect. 

" Harry, you naughty boy ! I know you ate the chocolate " Isabella laughs.

" No I didn't " I lie.

" you, young man are very bad at lying " she laughs again and wipes a bit of the chocolate of my face. 

" oops " I giggle and she laughs. 

" what special flavor are you making today harry?" she asks.

" hm maybe strawberries and chocolate "

" that sounds divine " 

" it will be " I smile. 

I take the chocolate cake and spread the ganache over it and arrange sliced strawberry's on top of it. I place the second layer, dab it with sugar syrup and frost it with strawberry frosting. I do all the layers perfectly, taking my time. I frost the whole cake and melt the chocolate. I drip it around the edges of the cake. I arrange berries on top beautifully.

 I arrange berries on top beautifully

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Viola. I cut a piece out of the cake. I admire the beautiful layers before I try it. Perfect. I put a piece in Isabella's mouth.

" Oh god that's beautiful ! Definitely one of my favorites ! What are you calling it? " 

" umm When Strawberry Met Chocolate  " I say proudly.

" Perfect "

The customers start rolling in. I see Cara coming in with daisy in her arms. 

" Good Morning Cara ! Hii daisy " I say, smiling.

" Hello Harry ! The usual as always " she replies back.

" One strong macchiato for the queen and a chocolate muffin for the princess " I smile as I serve them the food and daisy giggles.

The day goes by laughing and chatting with customers and it's almost 12. It's usually people from the neighborhood and I've know them for ages. I smile contentedly. Life is perfect. 

Suddenly a large group of boys push through the door. All of them in football jerseys. They must be from another town, I haven't seen them anywhere. A boy with blonde hair walks towards the counter. 

" Good Morning um Harry " he says looking at my badge. He has an Irish accent.

" Good Morning, what would you like ? " I say politely.

" 11 cappuccino's please " He says and I note it down

" No coffee for me please " A beautiful accent says from behind.

" Sorry sir would you like anything else " I ask him and he looks at me. 

His eyes. It's beautiful. Like the sky but also the ocean. It feels hypnotizing. Then he smiles. He freaking smiles. It's perfect. He's looking at me too. His eyes travel to my lips as I smile back. I look at him again, his lips look so kissable and perfect.

Wait harry. Stop. What are you doing ?

" um Sir " I ask again breaking the intense moment. 

" yea um I- yea I don't drink coffee, I prefer tea " He stammers.

" Oh ! Well I do make tea? What about Yorkshire " 

 " But I drink only Yorkshire " We both say at the same time and he laughs.


" Yorkshire it is " I smile and get the orders ready. The beautiful boy walks back to his table.

I place the coffee and the tea on a tray and take it to their table. 

" Thank you harry " He says and smiles at me.

" Anytime ..... " I wait for him to tell me his name but he doesn't. He winks. oh my god. I smile back and rush back to the counter. And this makes me more curious. 

I go back to the counter. What was that? I've never felt like this before. Never felt so alive, so - in love? Is this what love is. His smile lights up the whole room. And his eyes. It feels so, pure and special. How can someone be so perfect? 

I stare at the boy as he laughs with his friends. Making them explode into boughs of laughter with everything he says. Then he gets up and walks over to me. I hear one of his friends shout " Tommo ! ". Is that his name? Tommo? Weird name for someone. 

" so how much is it? " he asks.

" that will be 11.99 " I say.

He pays the amount.

" Thank you, the tea was perfect " he says and smiles. I think I just melted. 

" No problem " I say.

I watch as he and the rest of the boys exit the café.

Oh what have you done to me? Will I ever see you again beautiful stranger? 

When Strawberry Met ChocolateWhere stories live. Discover now