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*beep beep* 

what the fook.

*beep beep*

where the hell is the bloody alarm.

*beep beep*


I quickly brush my teeth and take a quick shower. Coach is going to KILLL me. UGH. I throw my admit card around my neck and  grab my bag. I run downstairs and see mum in the kitchen making breakfast. Who in their right mind would wake up this bloody early for no reason. 

I take some toast from the table and run outside, " love ya mom " I shout.

" have a good game love you too " she says back. 

Before I get in the car I check if I have everything, Jersey check, admit card check, shoes check, water check. Ok I have everything. I get in the car and drive while eating the toast. I reach the ground in less than 20 minutes. All the players are already there. 

" Louis it's 6 ! We're supposed to leave now. And besides captains are supposed to set examples you know " Coach says in a serious tone.

" Sorry Coach, we can leave now. Good Morning Team " I apologize and address the team. 

All of us get into the huge bus with me in the front. Once the bus is on the highway I stand up and turn towards the boys. 

" Alright boys. What is football? " I shout.

" football is like life - it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority. " They say. Vince Lombardi, the greatest coach ever. Come one 3 NFL's and 2 Super Bowls. This man is a legend. And this is the same quote I tell myself before every practice, every match and every goal. If only I could meet him but he passed away before I was even born. 

" I didn't hear you " I shout louder.

" football is like life - it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority." they shout loud as hell. 

" LET'S GO !!!! " I shout back and we clap. 

I sit back into my seat satisfied with the team. Today's match will be a little tough and it could go either way. I've heard a bit about the club, they sound pretty good. The ground is also very far, almost two hours. In some place called Homes Chapel. It's one of the most important matches of the league. 

I plug in my earphones and look outside the window. I play my Robbie Williams playlist. He's incredible. Feels, such an incredible song. I hum the tune along with the music. I take out a bar of dark chocolate from my bag. I break of a piece and put it in my mouth. I let the rich chocolate melt in my mouth as I look outside. Beautiful green trees. It's still a bit dark but that makes it even more beautiful. I feel at ease. I feel content with life. After this league, I'll get some money and I'll shift to a higher team and I'll buy an apartment close to home. I dream of how it will be like to play at big stadiums in front of millions of people. 

" Good Morning again Captain " I hear someone say and a few laughs. I slowly open my eyes. Ah we're there, we just need to park. Suddenly I get a wave of anxiety, I feel bubbles in my tummy. Breathe. We'll do fine. 

" Morning Dave " I say. 

We all get our bags and get out of the bus. 

" So do you think we'll win then ? " Jake asks me. 

" Maybe, we just need to try our best yea? " I say.

" Right " He agree.

I walk a bit faster to catch up with Coach.

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