
510 15 23

Artist: Mettept

The man, now known as Sammy, pinched your cheek before disappearing into another room on your left. It appeared to be an audio room though you weren't sure since you were more distracted over your surroundings. This room looked to be completely untouched by the fire, which further surprised you. 

You've never been in this part of the studio so it must of been further down. Considering it being in one piece. There must be a big chunk of this place that was lucky enough to have survived. You rolled your eyes at the thought, partially embarrassed that you thought you and Henry had completely obliterated this cesspit. 

Nothing out of the ordinary caught your glance. Though what struck out amongst everything else was the massive metal door directly in front of you. You felt your blood run cold after finally realizing the circumstance. The largest thought that screamed through your mind was sacrifice. Sammy was going to use you as a sacrifice. You needed to run. hide. go anywhere but here! This is where you die, you thought to yourself. A microphone halted your panicked thoughts with its booming voice. 

"Sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head it's time for bed. In the morning you may wake or in the morning, you'll be dead.."

Following along with his disturbing rhyme, his pleads began-

"Hear me Bendy, arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering. Bring me I beg you! I summon you ink demon, show your face and take this tender sheep!"

The barrier rattled open excruciatingly slow in front of you. You felt your body quiver with adrenaline and fear. The mention of Bendy's name caused your vision to glue itself onto the black pit of darkness that creeped its way under the opening. You saw a figure move in a blur from the edge of your cornea, though you held you gaze unchangingly upon the opening door. 

Moments after whatever you saw moving, you felt the ropes that bound you become loose-- and a pair of gloved hands grab your torso just as fast. Everything felt dizzy from the fast paced events, too much happening at once for your brain to keep up with. The building shook rhythmically with the fast footfalls of a demon. A raging demon who hollered into the empty space as its creeping voice drew nearer to the nearly opened passage.

You tripped over your feet a few times before catching up with the pace of your savior. Looking back up from your feet, you were met with a profile view of a wolfs face.

"B-Boris!?", you gasped out in surprise.

He didn't look over at you, too focused on the route ahead to pay attention. By the time Bendy had rammed his way into the room, the two of you were gone. Following an extensive amount of halls to wherever, anywhere but the room you were just in, Boris led you into a cluttered animation room. You stood awkwardly in the doorway as you watched Boris shove a desk out of the way in the far left corner of the room. 

Hiding underneath the desk was a hole that led into an intimidating dark pit. Boris looked over to your frozen frame and motioned you to come. You thought it was strange that he hadn't said a single word this whole time. But what was stranger was his face. Half of it was melted, resembling an overused candle stick. Boris wore his usual overalls but his body was stuck in a awkward tilt. Almost as if he were a few inches shorter on one end than the other. Then it dawned on you as you came closer. The fire must of got him when he stayed behind. 

You felt your chest tighten with guilt at the thought. Seeing his current state made you come close to tearing up. You couldn't help but feel you were the reason he was harmed. Shaming yourself continuously as you lingered your eye contact with Boris's. You were just thankful that he wasn't killed like you had thought. Boris hoped through the hole before you to demonstrate that it was safe enough to go down. You lingered over it a moment before being startled by Boris's hand poking out of the abyss, waving for you to come along.

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