
559 15 14

Artist: leon_s7

The night breeze urged you forward and you placed your clammy hand around the brass knob of the main door. Wasting no time, you rushed into the shaggy studio and was greeted with the pungent smell of soot and ash that wafted your nose. 

Closing the door slowly behind you, you scrunched your nose as if it would rid the smell of the ghostly remnants. You were struck with sudden realization at how unsafe this place must be; now that you saw what the interior looked like. The same yet different hall sprawled out before you, leading deeper into the darkness that veiled everything over as if it were a thick fog.  

You took a cautious step forward as your foot fell down upon a squeaky floor plank. You let the flooring settle before continuing your trudge deeper into the dark abyss. The outside seemed a lot more inviting to you now, now that you've got a good enough look of the inside.

 Very faint strings of moonlight speckled itself across the main room from openings in the ceiling, providing some light - though a lame amount at best. Your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness as you walked further into the main room, unsure of what exactly you were doing. Or were meant to do since there was no cryptic voice to whisper instructions in your ears. Seeing the condition, you couldn't imagine how anything lived here anymore. 

Leaving the main room after stumbling over your own feet a few times, you followed down another hall that lead to what was left of the music room. You stood in the doorway scanning the rubble with your eyes, narrowed to spot anything out of the ordinary. As your eyes landed on a pile of ash with a Bendy card-board cut out propped against it, a memory flashed through your head. The time you and Bendy had met up for your guys first date. You felt the corners of your lips grow heavy at the memoire and you flushed the memory out of your mind. 

"Forget about that..", you snap your face away from the view and direct it down the hall, ignoring the cut out of Bendy that stared back at you. You continued your search for... something.. whatever the hell that voice wanted you to come here for. 

You felt your throat hitch in your throat when you suddenly heard a loud snap beneath you and suddenly, you fell through the floor with a squeak of surprise. The fall was short as you landed abruptly on your back, completely knocking the wind out of your chest. You held your eyes shut tight and seethed through your teeth at the pain that sent a shock wave all the way up your spine. A sense of déjà vu hit you at the occurrence. Just like the time you first arrived at the studio after receiving that deceiving letter.  Through your lids, you could see a faint yellow haze. 

You laid there for a few minutes, letting your body rest from the impact, before deciding to see where that light was coming from. You slowly eased your way off the floor with your elbows and looked up to see where you had relocated to. 

The walls and floor didn't appear to be as charred as when you first arrived. You looked above to see where you had fallen through. It seemed you fell a floor or two down. A metal pipe dangled haphazardly off the edge of the opening making you scoot away from its line of sight. Getting up and dusting yourself off, you looked at what was emitting the warm light. Sitting on a shelf on your side was a lit candle. The candle seemed to have been in use for a few hours; the wax partially melted-so it was obviously recently lit. To your surprise, it seemed there was in fact someone still inhabiting the building. 

You dreaded what it may be. Surely it would be the man on the radio. Unsure whether or not the one roaming these halls with you is around or not, you searched for a weapon to guard yourself with. You picked up one of the many planks that surrounded your body and gripped it tightly in your hands. 

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