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Things started getting blurry after that night. I haven't looked at myself in the mirror and for some reason I haven't looked at Teshia. I figured she'd read my mind if I stared too long and next thing I know she'd be the last face I saw as I was getting buried alive. "I wonder who all heard that?"

"Did you say something?" We looked at each other as she passed me the box to scan. I smiled and shook my head while placing it on the conveyer belt after getting the o.k. from the machine. "You've been talking to yourself lately. I want to make sure I'm not losing you." She forced a smile on her face and passed me the next box. "How was it seeing your mom after having her car for this long. We should probably start looking into putting a down payment-"

I disagreed. "We're saving so much money now. She hasn't asked for it back nor asked for a penny from me. We're fine right now."

"Well, we need something for when she does start wanting to drive her own car. You got over a hundred thousand dollars and you're withholding it all. We have a life and bills, Kit. This job wasn't for us to live on but to keep us from going under."

The red buzzer went off and the machines quickly went to a stop. I peeled the gloves off my hand and placed them under my work area all while Teshia stared daggers into the side of my face. "Lunch time!" I tried not to look at her while I walked past with my eyes pointed straight at the exit door.

I caught up with Freddy to avoid the awkward walk alone. He seemed pretty happy to see me despite avoiding him these last few shifts. "We got the round table this time if you and... Teshia want to join us." I looked back at the pissed off woman. "Oh. She's telling you when and where to sit again?"

I gawked. "No, we'll sit with you. It's no problem." I waved her over and she walked in the complete opposite direction. "Or... I'll sit with you guys."

I grabbed my chips out of my locker on the way to the cafe. The boys and Bridgett sat around with all laughs as I took the only empty seat available. He only said Teshia's name to be nice. "How is the back pain, Ron?" The man in his mid-thirties grunted at my question. "I know an easy solution to that but... drug testing." They laughed at my poor joke and the next thing I know I felt someone's foot slide down my leg. It brought me to straighten out my spine and look directly at Bridgett.

She bit her lip at me before turning to Freddy with a huge smile on her face. "So Juneteenth is this weekend and my mom is sending me off to the "black side" of my family. I know my paternal grandma is going to throw down some good ass food and I want you all there."

"Why would I turn down good food?" Freddy chuckled. "Same location right?" She nodded at him. "Cool."

"You and Teshia should come. You guys have missed so many of the gatherings that it just doesn't feel right without you there." The seducing tone in her voice made me uncomfortable but everyone was too busy scarfing down their food to feel the pressure I felt. "Is she going to let you out of the house?"

I raised my eyebrow in concern. "Is this some sort of joke you guys came up with when I wasn't around? Teshia let's me get a break."

"Oh, really?!" Bridgett giggled. "Well she's been staring you down ever since you sat with us." I turned to look over my shoulder and sure enough Teshia was averting her eyes to avoid getting caught. "I really hope you can come. It's going to be good." She then got up from the table to throw away her food and Bryan left with her.

Freddy snorted while poking around his pasta. "She's got the hots for you, yeah?" I shrug quickly. "You never know what's better for you if you don't try it." He then closed the lid to his container and gave Ron a look that signaled them both to leave.

I sat here alone with my unopened bag of chips in pure confusion. Just then, Teshia sat down with me with a huff. "Finally. What unimportant thing were they going on about?"

"Juneteenth this weekend. Bridgett invited us over to have some good food apparently."

Her face frowned up and I knew the answer clearly. "I make good food. We can have our own Juneteenth. You should have told me and we could have celebrated sooner."

"Well, we were living in dorms that had no kitchen so I didn't think celebrating anything was on the table." She rolled her eyes at me like usual. "And it's free food so."

"Yeah, but it's too many people we don't know. I can invite my friends and you invite whoever you know if you still know anyone." She pulled out her phone and I glanced over to see her sending out the texts already. She knew that I would go along if it meant not making her cancel on her word. "You know Bridgett talks about me right? You really want to hang at the house of a girl who is so bitter over your girlfriend?"

"No, fucking way." I finally opened my chips and she was the first one to grab a bite. "Uhm... so yeah. Having our own is so much better."

I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Rudy. Her response was beyond what I could handle for the day.

"What's up Sexually Transmitted Disease?" I quickly clicked my phone off when Teshia read that text out loud. "Who is that calling you that?"

"An old friend from high school. You remember Rudy? I used to talk about her all the time." Teshia smiled widely. "Yeah!"

She then let out a laugh into her hand. "I would have loved to meet her. You should definitely invite her. The stories she'll tell about you."

If Rudy heard then so did Nova. I would have a clear answer on this if I didn't run out the club to go face first into traffic.

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