Chapter twenty: I do not like you

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I had put things in my locker. I had gotten two new books from my first two classes. A science work book, and a sketchbook from my art class. After lunch I had geography and then after that I had history.

It was finally lunch, I was hungry. As I entered the cafeteria, I scanned the room for mi familia or Mirabel and Camilo. I couldn't spot anyone except Camilo. He was standing on a table, dancing, telling jokes. Being himself. He was smiling so brightly and the sun came in from the window and hit his face just right.

I wanted to go up to him but he looked like he was busy entertaining the entire grade. He must've noticed me staring at him because he jumped off of the table, pushed through the crowd and started walking towards me.

"Hello, y/n!" Camilo said, leaning his face closer to mine.

"Hola, Cami" I said, poking him on the nose.

"Are you gonna sit with me or do you have better friends than me?" Camilo asked "Wait, that's impossible."

I laughed at his cockiness.

"I can sit with you, since you seem to really want me to" I teased.

"Oh, yes, their highness y/n will be having lunch with me, I am honoured" he joked, bowing as if I was royalty.

We laughed and I noticed his friends, sitting at a table towards the back of the room in an elevated area, waving at us.

"Cami, there are some people trying to get your attention" I said, pointing towards his friends.

"Oh yeah! Let's go" he said, grabbing my hand.

He does grabs my hand a lot. Maybe it's just a habit of his but it swarms my stomach with butterflies. There was a crowd behind us, respectful enough not to touch us. Some kids in the crowd were whispering about me. My relationship with Camilo, who I was, who my family was, what my gift was. People sure like gossip in this school, actually every school likes gossip.

Eventually, we made it to his friends. The crowd stayed on the area that wasn't elavated. They really were like royalty. Camilo had "a few close friends" sure, but he forgot to mention that he had the entire grade at his beck and call. June, who really seems to not like me for no reason, was galring at me, yet again. Honestly, what was her problem with me?

"Hey guys, y/n is gonna sit with us today" Camilo said, guiding me to sit next to him.

"Hey 'Cami~'" Ruben teased, pointing at our hands, which were still together.

Camilo let go of my hand with a nervous chuckle. I smiled at him, showing that I wasn't offended.

"Don't call me that!" Camilo said, punching Ruben's arm.

Ruben let out a yelp and spilled some water from his mouth.

"Ruben, gross!" Amelia said.

"Amelia, please, I need to finish this, it's due next period!" Emilio said, furiously scratching his head.

"You're not done?! You had art last period, why didn't you finish it then?!" Amelia said, looking over his work.

"I started it this morning!" he said, scribbling something onto the page.

"Ay, Emilio!" Amelia groaned.

Camilo laughed at the twins' frustration. I laughed too. He was so pretty when he laughed and apperently, I wasn't the only one that noticed. June was staring at him longingly. I hadn't seen her smile before.

"Hey, June" Camilo said "Are you alright?"

June snapped out of her trance.

"Oh, sorry!" she said "I keep zoning out today, huh?"

Camilo laughed at her. She slowly moved her arm over to Camilo's.

'She's infuriating' I thought.

Camilo shyed away from her touch. She gave an annoyed face then looked at me as if it was my fault.

"Hey! Camilo, can I borrow y/n for a sec?" June asked, not taking her eyes off of me.

"Uh, sure?" Camilo said "What are you gonna do, kill them?"

Everyone at the table laughed. It was obviously a joke but it was not helping with my nerves. Was she really going to kill me?

She yanked my arm harshly, it hurt my shoulder. June pulled me all the way to one of the areas in school that wasn't crowded by students. It was a dark hallway close to the woodworking room. The area made me uncomfortable.

She stopped lugging me around and finally let go of my arm. She turned to look at me and scowled.

"Is there something going on between you and Camilo?" she asked, an annoyed look on her face.

"Wha- What do you mean?" I asked.

"Ugh, hijo de puta!" she swore "Are you stupid?!"

"You don't need to swear at me, I just don't understand what you meant by that question" I replied calmly.

"UGH! DO YOU LIKE CAMILO?!" she screamed.

Some people around us turned to look at us and she waved awkardly.

"Wha- No! He's just a friend!" I replied.

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was telling the truth.

"Good because I do. I have known Camilo Madrigal since we were five years old" she explained "And now, you walk in out of nowhere and start undoing ALL of my hard work!"

I didn't give her an answer.

"We are going to go back in there and pretend to be friends..." she commanded "But make sure you remember..."

I swear, this bitch was pausing for dramatic effect.

"I do not like you."

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