Chapter ninety: Fire

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Camilo and I stepped off of the dance floor and towards a table that had an array of colourful drinks. Camilo reached for one of the plastic cups before his hand was swatted away from it by Mirabel.

"Ay!" Camilo yelped in pain "Mirabel! What was that for!?"

"Why did you hide from me?!" Mirabel yelled "I was worrying about you and I was struggling to have fun at a literal party!"

Camilo's face softened as he let go of my hand and pulled Mirabel into a tight hug.

"Aw, I'm so sorry, prima!" Camilo teased, making everything he said sound overdramatic "You must've missed me so much! I'm sorry I made you worry, I know you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if anything happened to me!"

"Ca-Camilo! Let me go!" Mirabel said, struggling to get out of Camilo's grasp "Let go! I can't breathe!"

I laughed happily at the two cousin's antics.

"I'll let go if you say you forgive meee!" Camilo replied, teasingly.

"Camilo Madri-" Mirabel wheezed before gasping for air.

"Yesss?" Camilo answered in a sing-songy tone.

Mirabel sighed frustratedly before her lips formed an unamused pout.

"I forgive you," Mirabel said, in a monotone voice.

Camilo let go of her and Mirabel took in a large breath of fresh air. Camilo laughed at her distress as he grabbed a drink from the table and even though I tried to hide it, I laughed a bit too.

"Now..." Mirabel said "Why did you take so long to show yourself?"

"Your primo here was simply being a drama king, Mirabel" I cut in, answering for Camilo "He wanted to build suspense for his outfit reveal."

Mirabel gave Camilo an unamused look which Camilo found funny. I giggled a little bit at how playful Mirabel and Camilo were with each other when they wanted to be.

"Of course he did," Mirabel deadpanned.

I laughed at her reply. She and Camilo began to laugh along with me after a while. I couldn't take my eyes off of Camilo. He was always so beautiful when he laughed. Even though his face was somewhat covered by his intricate mask, I could still see the shimmer in his eyes.

"Anyway, I have more questions..." Mirabel said mysteriously as she fixed her glasses, the light catching on them in an eerie way.

I swallowed hard, I knew the questions she had were going to be related to the dance that Camilo and I had just had. I looked over to Camilo, a nervous look on my face only to see that Camilo was smiling, oblivious to what kind of questions his cousin was about to ask.

"Ask away, Mirabel!" Camilo replied cheerfully.

Mirabel smiled darkly as she giggled.

"What is Y/n to you?" Mirabel asked, feigning innocence.

Camilo choked a bit on the drink that he had picked up earlier. He wiped away the small bit of the peach and pineapple juice mix that was dripping down chin. Camilo tapped on his chest profusely as he cleared his throat.

"W-What?" Camilo asked "Why would you ask me that?"

"You decide to become each other's valentines, go on a date, do a super romantic slow song together and then..." Mirabel said, listing the things on her fingers "I could've sworn that you guys almost-"

"Uh! Y/n is...They're uh-" Camilo said, interrupting Mirabel just before she uttered the last word in her sentence, whatever it was.

Camilo cut himself off and thought to himself for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. Mirabel waited patiently for Camilo to find the right words, a smug smile forming on her lips. My eyes went back and forth from Mirabel and Camilo, waiting for someone to say something.

A few moments passed and the silence between us was getting terribly awkward. I would've answered the question for Camilo if I could since the awkwardness was getting to me but I had no idea what I was to him. I didn't even really understand fully what he was to me. The question was for him to answer. I stared at my shoes, afraid to make eye contact with either of them.

"Y/n is..." Camilo said, finally breaking the silence "Y/n is someone that I can trust more than anyone in the world. Y/n is someone that makes me happy just by being there and...Honestly, I think...I think that Y/n might just be everything to me."

'Everything?' I thought.

I looked away from the ground, dragging my eyes to look at Camilo. He was staring fondly at nothing in particular, a dazed expression on his face and a soft smile tugging on the corners of his lips. I stared at Camilo in disbelief.

Mirabel had an expression that I can only describe as pleasantly surprised. She fixed her glasses before looking at me, silently asking for what I thought about what Camilo had just said.

"Do you mean that, Cami?" I asked.

Camilo made eye contact with me, his smile nearly making me melt.

"Every word, Y/n!" Camilo answered happily.

I had never felt like this so strongly about a person before. I felt like I could surrender my heart to him, the emotional warmth enveloped my entire body. I felt such a deep need to care for him, to cherish him, to be by his side. For a few moments I felt a sweet grace and the feeling of being covered by an all consuming fire.

In that moment, my feelings towards Camilo were clear. I was never more sure of anything else in my life. I was in love with Camilo Madrigal.


Y/n just realized how they felt about Camilooo!

Ten more chapters until 100 lmao-


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