09 - nine

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Esther stood like a statute, her brother was still shuffling behind her as he shut the door. "Esther, why aren't-". He stopped himself as he saw who was sitting in their home. Arthur Shelby Sr. sat there, a cup of coffee in his hand as he smiled at Arthur Jr. "Now, now. Who do we have here?" He put the cup down on the table to grab a cigarette from Arthur Jr.'s pack.

"My dear son, Tommy and my oh my, you look just like your mother, Esther" he spoke. "A bit dirty but just like your mother, what happened to you?" he continued. Was he serious? What in the name of the king was he doing here?

"Esther, darling. Your bath is ready." Polly saved her. She grabbed the girl by the arm and guided her into her room. Esther didn't say anything, she couldn't. Why was her father here? In what universe did he believe coming here was the right choice to make?

"Since when-"He was here when we got home." Polly answered. "Arthur let him in." Esther nodded. "I figured." Esther took her clothes off, Polly took a closer look at the girl. "You're not hurt, are you?" Esther shook her head as she slipped in the hot water. Her muscles relaxed a bit as Polly started to scrub her back with soap. "Darling, you're as thin as a sheet. You need to eat more." Polly scolded her, she wiped her face with a soft cloth. Esther closed her eyes as Polly cleaned her. "I'm fine." she tried to assure her aunt.

⌞ •°•☽ ☾•°• ⌟

Esther, now fully clothed and clean, stepped into the dining room. Her father still sat at the table, telling Arthur storries of his great life. She rolled her eyes as she got herself a mug of coffee. With a huff she poured some whiskey into the hot coffee. "Why are you here?" She spoke, interrupting his great speach. "Now, why the harsh tone." She gave him a disgusted look. "Because i don't fucking like you." Arthur slapped his hand on the table. "Don't talk to our father like this." Esther's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had never spoke to her like this.

It was clear as night, he had big fucking daddy issues. "Arthur" she frowned. "It's quite alright, son." he calmed Arthur. Esther sat down across from her father. "You were always the sweetest girl, what happened to you?" She took a sip from her spiced coffe. "I had to fucking grow up." She stood up and looked at Arthur Jr. "Maybe you should too."

⌞ •°•☽ ☾•°• ⌟

Esther made her way over to where Ada stayed, she hadn't heard a lot about Ada or the baby. She only knew that she gave birth to a boy who she named Karl. She felt bad, bad that she wasn't there when her little sister gave birth to her firstborn.

She made her way down the stairs to the front door, flicking her finished cigarette to the ground. She knocked on the door while pushing a already rotten basket of food to the side. The smell made her crunch her nose, it stung uncomfortably.

"Ada? It's me, Esther. Let me in." She heard shuffling, a baby whimpering and Ada cursing sligthly. "Ada, come on. Let me in, i need to talk to you." Esther pleaded. "Where were you?" Ada spoke quietly but she heard her. "A lot happened yesterday, please let me explain."

The door clicked a bit before Ada finally opened the door. Esther gave her a pitiful look. "Go on then, explain." She stroked her baby's head. "Explain why my older and only sister wasn't there for me when i gave birth to my baby." she spoke, every word laced with anger.

"Ada, i don't even know where to start." she sighed. "The fucking beginning maybe" Ada sneered. "A boy came by, he told me about you and i took off. I was running, spriniting even." Ada sat down and gestured Esther to sit down on the small stool behind her.

"Campbell got a hold of me and Irene. He stabbed her, calling her an example of a sacrifice." Ada's face grew soft. "Oh god, is she dead?" Esther shook her head. Karl squealed a bit and Esther gave them both a sad and tired smile. "She's alive." she continued.

Esther gave Ada a sincere look. "I really wanted to be there for you, i really really wanted to but i couldn't be and i'm sorry but I'm here now." Ada nodded and stood up. "You want to hold him?" Esther smiled a bit and nodded. "Of course" she caressed the boys cheek. "Hi there, little man."

Ada got up to pour Esther a cup of water. "They took Freddy" she started. "Right after Karl was born" Esther's brows furrowed. "Tommy promised me he'd let him be and then he did this." She continued. This didn't add up. "He was with me" Esther spoke. Ada sat back down as she looked at Esther in a confused way. "What?" Esther shook her head sligthly. "He couldn't have, he was with me the whole night." Ada still denied it as she took her son back. "I still believe he has something to do with it."

⌞ •°•☽ ☾•°• ⌟

The water was dark, the trees on the opposite side of the small river reflected. She took another sip of the bottle she had in her hand, the liqour burning down her sore throat. "I knew you'd be here." Arthur Jr. stood at the other side of the little underpass. "Everytime no one know's where you are, you're here. Why?" Esther sighed and took another sip. "Mum died here." she whispered. A tear made its way down her cheek.

"Feels like she's still here."

Arthur sat himself next to his sister, she offered him a sip and he gladly took it. "He didn't come" he spoke. Esther looked at him, she felt bad for him. Arthur still had this image of their father, the way he was before their mother had died. But he wasn't like that anymore. It was like he died with her that day.

"I'm sorry." He nudged her a bit, trying to lighten the mood as a sob left his body. "It's fine." he paused to wipe a tear. "I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." Esther stroked his back. "Don't beat yourself up over it, you're a good man Arthur." She put a hand on his chest. "You have a good heart and I'm proud to be your sister."

"Thank you" he whispered. "Always" she whispered back as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

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hi! Thank u for reading! I'm trying to update as often as possible cause this stuff has been draggin on for so long, man 🥴

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