Imperfectly Perfect Mistake

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It was weekend and friends decided to go out.This time they had Amagi and Hakuro with them.It was weird to see Lee and Kankuro to be so genuine with someone.Kankuro was really sweet ,Hakuto made him show his soft side to her.And Lee was happier than he usually was.Amagi was happy too.Everything was great for them.Night was pretty calm.Temari was teasing Shikamaru,the others were laughing.They played cards.Nothing much,just chilling aand talking about all sorts of things.

The next morning Ten-Ten woke up with headache.She looked around and realized that she wasn't in her room.She turned around and saw Neji next to her.He was shirtless.Then it hit her.They were a little drunk and after the party they went to his house to watch a movie.And then..blank space.She couldn't remember what happened after that.She looked around the room and their clothes were everywhere.She sat there speachless in shock.A few moments later Neji woke up.When he realized what him and Ten-Ten did ,he looked at her frozen body.He was shocked too.There was a silence.Neji stood up to get dressed.

"I'll leave so you can get dressed too",Neji said without looking at Ten-Ten.He got dressed and left.He was glad that his mother wasn't here.H edidn't know what to say to Ten-Ten.She was his bestfriend since childhood.He liked her but he didn't want to sleep with her.At least not in the way he did.Ten-Ten was as confused and surprised as he was.She thought that Neji eould think badly of her now.And he thought the same him.She wanted him to be her first time ,but not in this way.Ten-Ten got dressed and got out of his room too.She saw Neji standing on the door like he was waiting for her.

"Hey,Ten,I'm sorry about all of this",Neji said,rubbing his back

"It's fine.Do you regret it?",she asked

"Well,it;s kinda complicated.I do and I do not"

"Can you explain why?",she asked nervously

"Well,I regret it because you're a girl,and you sure didn't want your fist time to turn out like this.And I don't regret it because...",he looked away

"You don't regret it because",Ten-Ten added

"Because it was you",Neji said and looked her in the eyed.He blushed.He knew this was the weird way to confess,but at that moment it sounded as the best solution to the situation.

"Me too",Ten-Ten said."I didn't want my first time to turn out like this,but I kinda don't mind if it's you".She blushed and looked at Neji.He looked at her at the same time and their eyes met each other.Neji put his hands on her waist pulling her close.Ten-Ten put her hands around his neck and tiped on her toes.They shared a kiss,but this time they remembered it.They didn't really know how they would explain to their friends how they went from besties to couple in one night.Neither one of them wanted to talk about their messy night,but they would come up with something.It was kinda funny to them now.They ate a breakfast and Neji walked Ten-Ten home.She knew she was in trouble because didn't came home last night and she didn't even tell her parenrs where she was,they will be pretty mad.

"Mom!Dad!I'm home",she said as she entered the house,but no one was there.She saw a note on the kitchen table.

"Ten-Ten,we had to go on a business trip.We'll be back in a couple of days,we left you money in your room.Take care honey!Love,mom and dad"

"What a lucky girl I am,now I don't have to explain to them what happened",she thought to herself and went to take a shower.She needed to get ready for school tomorrow.

At school,Neji and Ten-Ten came together holding hands.Of course everyone were shocked except for their friends.They knew they had a thing going on,so it was about time.Temari was so excited for Ten-Ten,so was Lee.It felt like they ended up with Neji and not her.It was pretty funny,but she was glad to have friends like that.But not everything was that perfect,Ten-Ten had so much trouble with Neji's fangirls.It wasn't even a months into their relationship when girls waited for her after school and wanted to beat her up,but happiness in misfortune Neji was always around to protect her.And eventually girls backed off,and they thought that  everything will be fine now.

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