Watch Your Back

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The next morning Hajime stepped into the class behind Nagito. The others were more settled down now so they noticed his arrival.

Ibuki Mioda: "Ooh! Nagito brought a boyfriend!" causing the pales boys face to redden a bit.

Hiyoko Saionji: "Ew! Get that rando out of here!" 

Chiaki Nanami: "He isn't random, his names Hajime." but she was shouted over.

Kazuichi Soda: "Oh hey isn't that-" before he could finish, Fuyuhiko clamped a hand over his mouth and shushed him.

Sonia Nevermind: "Hello! Nice to meet you!" She called out happily.

Akane Owari: "Hey! Let's test out your strength! What do ya say!?" She smiled at him pumping her fists in the air. Hajime was overwhelmed by all the conversations, unsure of what to say when Yukizome popped up right behind him.

Chisa Yukizome: "Alright everybody! Settle down! We have a new student joining our class!" This surprised them since that's never happened before. "He is our very own ultimate hope!" Hajime jumped at this. "Just go along with it." she whispered to him through clenched teeth. Hajime nodded along nervously without saying anything. Soda and Kuzuryu looked at each other but nobody else seemed to notice.

Soon enough the others had stopped caring, he was another ultimate and that was that. Every once in a while Nagito would stop to check on him and even Nanami did a couple of times. Physically he was fine, but being so close to the labs was unsettling to Hajime. He started to sweat as he imagined any minute the scientists could run in and drag him away. He was distracted when Teruteru came in with a food cart, it had an array of dishes each seeming to match a person's tastes besides for one platter that just contained a little of everything.

Teruteru Hanamura: "Feast your eyes and stomachs! I brought lunch!" He grinned cheerily as he began serving up the dishes. Since he didn't know Hajime's tastes yet he just handed him a sampler platter. "Feel free to tell me your preferences! I'd love to explore more dishes!" He seemed ecstatic at the thought of a new challenge. As Hajime put a bite into his mouth he was surprised at the flavor, all the foods contradicted each other yet at the same time they blended together in the perfect combination. The flavors of sweet and savory melted onto his tongue into a flavorful paradise. Hajime couldn't remember the last time he ate something so high class.

Unfortunately he got carried away and the big meal soon made him drowsy. As Yukizome continued the lesson for the day he couldn't help but let his head rest on his desk.

He woke up surrounded by an oil-like substance. It was suffocating but at the same time he couldn't die. Wires were attached to several parts of his body and they burned as they injected god knows what into him. He could hear muffled talking and beeps as if he were in a hospital with the faint sound of screaming in the background. Others like him formed around him but they didn't move. They stayed there floating in the void with unheard cries frozen on their faces.  He tried to go closer to them but the more he moved the more the wires tangled around his body. He kept struggling as they wrapped their way around his throat threatening to choke him. The beeps became louder as the screams echoed around the space.

He let out a scream as he fell out of his seat panting heavily. Nagito was at his side within a second. The entire class was watching in silence as Hajime trembled on the floor attempting to regain his breath. Tears he didn't even know he had dripped down his face splashing onto his shirt. Nagito rubbed his back and looked him in the eye.

Nagito Komaeda: "Hey.. Hajime are you okay? You can take a break if you need it..." Hajime waited a second before slowly shaking his head. He looked up to see Yukizome walking towards them. She crouched down in front of them and put her hand on his shoulder.

Chisa Yukizome: "Maybe we rushed things a little... Go ahead and take some deep breaths." She turned to the others using her body to cover the scene. "Alright everyone, class is dismissed early, please exit through the door at the front of the class." The others complied as they slowly got up and shuffled out the front door, then Yukizome turned back towards the remaining two. "Call me if you need anything else." with that she gave them their privacy as she left the classroom. With the others gone Hajime's shoulders slumped and he let out a shaky breath.

He sat there on the floor taking deep breaths as Nagito sat with him in silence. A few minutes later Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko came in to check on him then were shooed away after being assured he was fine. Nagito helped Hajime to his feet after he settled himself. They made their way towards the exit, ready to go home for the day. Hajime didn't know what made him feel worse, the embarrassment or how realistic the nightmare was. He could almost feel the strangulation marks as he put his hand up to his neck.

When they arrived back at Nagito's house Hajime just stood in the first room picking at his hands. The tall walls were starting to look menacing. Noticing how Hajime eyed the towering ceiling Nagito turned back to him and let out a hmm.

Nagito Komaeda: "Hajime... There's something i want you to see..." Hajime looked up as Nagito led him to a door he hadn't opened before. As they were pushed open it seemed to brighten the rest of the house with a sunset glow. The aroma of several flowers filled the air with a soothing scent that surrounded you, yet was light as clouds. Several butterflies fluttered around the room between waist height flower bushes while the low buzz of bees was the only sound in this still paradise. A small stream trickled through silently as light reflected off the water creating a dazzling effect. Instead of walls there were window panes with a pink hue that seemed to make the sunlight sparkle.

Hajime made a small gasp as he viewed the room in awe. The mystical beauty of it all entranced him seeming to mist him with wonder. Nagito led him through to a small bench just large enough for the two of them. It was made of a shining light wood with a fine polish and almost seemed to blend into the rest of the room. Nagito sat him down and they both stayed there for a while just taking in the spectacularity of it all. After a while Hajime had finally relaxed completely and Nagito turned to him.

Nagito Komaeda: "This is my special room... You're the first i've shown this but i figured you need it as much as I do..." He gave him a small smile with a calm look in his eyes. Hajime returned the smile as they both went to peacefully watching the Insects float around the room.

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