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Mia Spencer is your cliche main charector whom you could say a beauty with brains.She has these blue eyes which went perfectly with her brunette hair and her clear skin.She has two best friends Madeline Ranger,who is as proactive as one could be and other is the silent but savage Sarah Deliah.

She also has an elder sister Emily who was more like a closest friend to her.

Mia is quite popular both among the girls and boys.

She could be called perfect but....(like they say no one can be perfect).. she could be a little scary when you see her tearing Julian's dignity into pieces super tiny ones.

Yeah Julian is the person she hated the most and the person who once knew her the best....her Jules...But right now she despised him the most because of what he had done in the past but she knew, as much as she hated him she had a tiny almost non existent crush( or atleast that's what she believed) on Julian.

But it isn't her fault that he was irresistably hot..yeah not her fault

Julian Anderson is your popular american highschool boy with a lot of friends. He is a part of the school football team and also good at him a lot (like a lot..) of attention from girls as well as the teachers.

His closest friend Lucas who was your typical playboy.

Julian's favourite pass time was getting on the nerves of Mia Spencer.They both fought like cats and dogs.

But the fact no one knew was he had liked her since the second he saw her..even though he didn't know then....But by the time he learn't that he liked his bestfriend....It was too late..They were no longer bestfriends instead the opposite

What happened?Life happened...and as we know life aka complicated..

Let's see what becomes of these two

A/N:Ok so do you guys like the charectors...Mia and Julian?

I really liked the prologue personally..What about you guys?

I would love to know your opinion on my writing style because this is kind of my first book.So pleaseee comment and yeah vote..(if u wish to)

And about the song i felt it kind of has the same theme .I really like 'Perfect'......

So love you all and Thanks for reading this...

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