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This story will be mostly in Mia's POV unless mentioned otherwise.So here we go..

I was trying my best not to throw the food tray which was in my hand on the person in front of me.

Yeah my normal Monday ....

Who was the person in front of me? None other than the most narcistic and self-centered guy in the school. You guessed it was Julian Anderson who was currently provoking me by sitting on the lunch table where me and my friends usually sat..

Ok I know that the table doesn't belong to us or something. But the whole school know that's where me, Maddie, Sarah, Jake and his girlfriend Vicky sat.

We weren't exactly popular. But I would say our little gang was well known.

I paced myself towards our table where Julian and his friends were currently sitting.

His friends were just like the saying went birds of a feather flock together. Their names were Nick, Elijah, Noah and Liam.

Nick had this blonde hair with a fringe cut with a pair of golden eyes and of course a charming flirtatious smile...It was known to everyone that he was playboy.

Elijah was definitely not from your Elijah tvd or Originals.Ok I am for sure not obsessed with tvd ...

Maybe a little...Hey who isn't?

Anyways he is...Um you can say the prankster of the school

Noah was probably the nicest of them.....Correcting my words the only nice person among them. Don't know how he got stuck with Anderson and his friends.

Well I don't know much about Liam. Just that he was new to our school.

They were laughing at something, probably a lame joke one of them had cracked.

I spoke with the most fake smile I can put up on my face "Hey, Anderson why don't you and your pals sit somewhere else".


See I tried to contain my cool but see that guy was ignoring me not even turning his head towards least his friends were staring at me with the look 'Oh it's showtime..'

I was still being ignored..

"Get the hell out of here Anderson or I will get your ass out of there myself!!" I yelled.

Sure thing I had a bit of temper...but come on some points for trying to be calm earlier..

He was still ignoring me and was eating his fries...they looked yummy.

Um not that it mattered right now.

"Ok Anderson, you got yourself into this shit" I said.

He needs to know that you don't piss off a 'hangry Mia'.

He turned towards me understanding I was about to do something...but too late.... something was already I snatched the tray with pizza slice from Jake's hands and casted it on the handsome face in front of me..

Yeah you heard me right..

Julian's face was covered with pizza traces while the pizza slides on to his white polo shirt and then fell on the ground with a 'pak' sound.

White was his favorite color..

Shut up! I say to my pathetic self

Julian's eyes were glaring with rage on eyeing me while I was setting myself on to the table.

His friends all were if they predicted this is what was going to happen...Well I guess they aren't as dumb as they look.

My friends followed me on to the table silently muttering about how I was embarrassing them..

Aren't they supposed to be proud of me for fighting for our table.

"Mia are fuc*ing kidding me?" Julian shouted enough for the whole cafeteria to hear .

But me being me didn't spare a glance at him

That was until he decided I should wash my hair in front of the whole cafeteria.. not a great idea right? He didn't think so considering the fact that he took the bottle of water from our table and took care of that matter.

Now my hair and a bit of my upper body was soaking wet.. Well I was no saint.. So I took the coke and emptied the contents of it on him.

Again not mine.. Hey you don't waste YOUR food.. Didn't you learn that in kindergarten

He was taller than me so I only managed to spill it on his face and again his white polo shirt.. His shirt was now see-through so I could see muscles..

Damn when did he become so hot.. he was so skinny and shorter than me in middle school.. But now I was now drooling over his see-through shirt.. Puberty sure had some effect on this one

I definitely wasn't checking him out..

Wait did I just say see-through...Oh no!! I was no better. My pink crop top was now sticking to me and becoming it was definitely not bra was now visible through my shirt..

And me suddenly realizing that I covered my chest with my hands and turned to look at slightly red Julian probably from anger was also gaping at my chest.

Probably planning on how he can use this sight to embarrass me next time.

Our current state was now seen by one of those teachers who have no business but poke into others business...Ok great I am in for detention now. Or expulsion maybe...What a great Monday...

The teacher spoke in a demanding voice "Mr Anderson and Ms Spencer, you will now silently follow me to the principal's office "giving a sigh at our mess.

How did he know our names?.. Because it wasn't the first time the two of us got into trouble. Not like two of us as two but one me and one him getting called together when we fought against each other.

We both silently nodded and followed him to the principal's office while mouthing it's ok to my friends who were now giving a concerned look...of course avoiding the looks on the faces of other students who were used to this drama.

Me and Julian were still glaring at each other as we entered the principal's office while having this silent competition of who was entering the door first.. The results? It was a tie...barely huh

Yeah that was not very childish of us.. That's one of the reasons why we were once friends in the first place. We were both a bit.. uhh no a lot competitive..

We were welcomed by a very happy smiling Principal...Duhh of course not..

The Principal was could say was not vey happy with our little fight judging from his expression and the glare he was giving.


So what happens next?

Do you like the characters yet...

Sorry for this being too short and this is not yet edited TT

And if you are reading this I appreciate your feedback on my writing style and well the story length...and whether its boring...

For now its fine even if you are plain honest..

But pls don't be rude..I have a soft heart u know..

Of Course I would love to read the comments...(I know its weird but I am the kind of person who reads the comments and laughs to herself before watching the videos...weird ik)

Thank you for reading u guys


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