Chapter Twelve

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Back in the living room Xiumin sat there eating his soggy cereal alone. Chen walked in and sat down beside him "Why don't we just go find Kris and Chanyeol already? Sehun can fly in the air and tell us where we need to go. It's that simple" Chen said. Xiumin looked at Chen "It may seem simple but it's not" Xiumin said and he got up and but his bowl in the kitchen sink. Chen looked at Xiumin "Kris and Chanyeol are hard to take care of" Xiumin said. Chen looked confused "They're hard to stop" Xiumin said as he sat down. Chen looked at Xiumin "I'm ready to go find them" he said. Xiumin looked at Chen "Are you sure? We can go tomorrow" Xiumin said.

That night the group went to sleep but Sehun stayed up, he polished his knife and put it back in its holder. He then got up and walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Sehun walked past Tao's room as he heard crying and screaming. It was loud enough to be heard outside the door and quiet enough not to disturb the other members.

Sehun stopped and stood in front of Tao's bedroom door, he listened to him cry as he carefully turned the knob. Sehun walked into Tao's room "S-Sehun!" Tao mumbled. Sehun sat down at the foot of Tao's bed. Tao was drenched in sweat and crying "Sehun. It's getting harder to breathe. H-help me! They're coming" Tao cried. Sehun sat there twiddling his thumbs "Sehun! Don't let them take me! Please! Sehun!" Tao cried. A tear rolled down Sehun's cheek as he knew what Tao was dreaming about. "Sehun! Please!" Tao screamed as he cried harder. "Sehun!" Tao begged. Sehun sat there "I-I don't want to die Sehun!" Tao cried "Sehun! Save me!" Tao screamed. Sehun had heard enough and laid a hand on Tao's shoulder. Tao's reflexes took over and quickly grabbed Sehun's hand. "Sehun!" Tao cried. Sehun tapped Tao "Hey! Hey! Wake up" Sehun said as he shook Sehun awake. Tao awoke and looked at Sehun, he wiped his tears away "Sehun?" Tao asked as he rubbed his eyes. Tao held his shoulder from where Sehun had touched him. "Sehun. I miss you" Tao said as he wiped tears away. A tear rolled down Sehun's cheek "I miss you too" Sehun whispered. Tao hugged Sehun, crying from the pain he didn't let go. The sound of ashes burning made Sehun uncomfortable. "Tao. You're going to hurt yourself" Sehun whispered as his wings turned black from pain.

Tao let go of Sehun and sat there coughing. Sehun got up and walked to the doorway "Can you breathe now?" Sehun asked "Yes" Tao answered. Sehun looked down at his feet "It's stupid that it has to be this way" he said, Tao shook his head "I-I just want to be able to hug you again" Tao said. Sehun shook his head "I know" he agreed. Sehun sighed "I'm going to let you get some sleep" he said as he closed Tao's door.

Sehun stood outside of Tao's door as he listened to Tao cry himself to sleep. Wiping tears away, Sehun walked back to his bedroom forgetting the water.

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