Chapter 12

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tw// bullying,beating up,blacking out

The Sound sounded pretty interesting considering that James' microphone almost broke halfway through the song. But he still kept on trying even though the microphone was almost destroyed. Nobody knew what had happened. It still sounded pretty similar. It wasn't until the song ended that James realised a problem. He had to summon a teacher. They decided to have a slightly earlier interval due to it.

Fraser ran out to the toilets as they were desperate for a wee when he bumped into someone.

"Oi! Who the fuck do you want?",the voice shouted. He started to whimper. "Pussy!"

He went to the toilet,not thinking much about it. That was when he heard a bang from the toilet door. "OI! COME OUT!" Fraser quivered as he heard the voice shout louder. "WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE! COME OUT!"

They attempted to get out of the toilet before Manifold came to them,shoving them into a wall.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING A KNOB TO ME!",he shouted very loudly. Before Fraser could stand up,Jack Manifold pushed his knee into their chest. "SO SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I STAB YOU!" They covered their ears,trying to avoid the constant ringing of it. Was it the fact it was too loud or was it that Manifold was kicking his head in by now?

Fraser had long dissociated by the time some random voice shouted "Piss off!". Some guy who had poofy brown hair came up to him. He whispered "Hey. Are you alright? Manifold's really probably beaten you up. Wilbur and someone else should be arriving any minute so don't stress if you don't know me. I'm Karl. My mate Sapnap is with Manifold so he can't do any more harm to you."

James bolted in a few seconds,seeing Fraser all bruised and beaten. They looked so broken on the cold bathroom floor.

"Hey Karl. Thank you for looking after them whilst I look for Wilbur. We'll take it on from now."James whispered as Wilbur left. "Hey. It's me. You're okay."

Who are you? Fraser signed.

"It's James. Your best friend. You're concussed,mate. Mr Soot is calling an ambulance.",James attempted to soothe Fraser with.

What's happened? I think I blacked out.

"Don't panic. Jack Manifold beat the shit out of you. He's in big shit.",James confirmed.

I'm scared: Fraser signed again before nearly crying.

James attempted to shush him,before Mr Soot arrived.

"James. The ambulance has arrived so I think you should go back to the sports hall.",Mr Soot said sternly. He obeyed the former's advice.

He went into the sport's hall to see Will crying with Stephen and Alex supporting him

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