A Fate Unknown

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Chapter 1

~ The Chase ~

The trees blurred by as I ran quickly , my paws stumping the ground loudly. Dirt and mud covering my fur from head to toe.

I could feel them behind me, chasing me. My instincts kicked into overdrive and I started to zoom in zigzag formation hoping that would, somewhat, slow them down.

I looked around in front of me absorbing the territory, a plan forming through my head. I speed up as fast I can to about 148 mph and stopped when I felt them about 7 miles behind me, I started to run in a circle hoping that the continuing scent would confuse them, so I could make a fast get away. Once I've completed the circle, I quickly transform into human form and jump high landing on a high tree branch about 42 ft high, and when I stable myself on that branch I jump another 40 something feet high.

I grab unto a branch above me and start to climb higher, the bark scrapes against my bare body, but I ignore the stinging. Once I've gotten at least 30ft higher I hide into some bushy leaved branches. I could feel them close, about a mile out, and I look down to see whoever it was following me. continue to count and when I reach 16 seconds they finally arrive. There were three of them, which I already could tell from when they were chasing me. Their foot steps echoed in my ear with every stump. All three were men. I almost laughed at how they just stood at the bottom of the tree glancing around. More than likely trying to figure out where I went. I bet they didn't even think of me transforming back into human. And if they were stereotypical vampires, then they also probably didn't figure that I could climb tree's. Or any other werewolf for that matter. However I was an excellent climber along with every other werewolf.


"Where is he?" One of them asks, voiced leaked in frustration.

I smirk at that, leaning forward for a better view of them, and also being cautious not to make any sound.

"I don't know. He should be here ? his scent just continues into a circle." Another one answers the first, and his voice is also laced with frustration.

Why did they assumed I was a guy? I thought slightly offended. As if a guy could think as brilliantly as I.

The one who first spoke begins to argue with the second one about his horrible tracking skills. While they did that I observe them, the one who had spoken first was a bit bulky, full of muscle, and very intimidating looking. I would say he was about 6ft exactly, his skin was of course pale as a corpse and his hair was shaven like that of a soldier. The second one was more lanky than the first but I could see his deep cut muscles underneath his black shirt, which made his skin look even more pale. His hair was golden and looked wild like he had just woken up, of course I knew it was from chasing me. He was about an inch shorter than the first.

When I got to the third I froze, he was looking above into the trees as though he were analyzing them. My eyes widened, he was even more intimidating then the Steroid guy, even though he wasn't anywhere near as muscular than him. He stood taller than him at 6.6ft. Almost as tall as the guys from my tribe, which was odd since I've never seen a vampire taller than 6ft? His midnight hair was in disarray from his run, with loose strands falling in his face . It made him look deathly. Which was ironic considering he's kind of dead...

I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of him.. I've seen thousands of bloodsuckers but he...

He was beautiful.

His crimson eyes scanned over my tree, and as though he saw me in my high hiding place his eyes stopped right where I was. I stilled my breath, and leaned back slowly making sure I could not be seen.

"What's wrong Ash, you see something?" The second one asks curiously as he notices 'Ash' gaze. I don't look away from this Ash, if he does see me then I will have to leap through the trees. His gaze looks as though he's penetrating through the leaves and he can see me as clear as day. Something shoots into my body as if he's directing lightning bolts to me from his eyes, my chest tightens and I fight to keep from blowing out the breath that's growing in my lungs.

What was this?

It seems like it's been an hour when he finally looks away, and I let out a breath as quietly as possible. That was the weirdest feeling I've ever felt before....

He goes to speak, and I feel a pull from his voice as if it were some sort of magnet, and I were the metal.

"If the scent continues around in a circle, and doesn't show up elsewhere. How do you think he escaped without his scent trailing behind?" Ash asked skeptically as though he already knew that question, his head tilts to the side, as he examines the trees.

I shake whatever is that's wrong with me off, and what he says register's in my head.

That's all the proof I need, I quietly start to climb even higher making sure the branches don't creek under my weight.

"What do you mean?" I recognize the deep voice of the steroid guy ask him confused.

I leap over to the next tree trying quickly and quietly to escape, I keep jumping through the trees, thanking god that the wind is blowing that way they couldn't tell that it was me that was making the branches shake. I looked down and over to where they are and see the one named Ash coming over to the tree I had just been on and sniffing it slightly, his posture goes rigid and I know in that moment that he knows I'm up here.

"He's up there! HURRY!" He orders, I forget about being quiet and simply start leaping through the trees as quickly as my feet carry me. I look back as I keep leaping and see them climbing through the tree I had previously been on. I calculate the distance and notice that I'm about 11 trees in front of them, once they reach the height of where I was they start following my scent.

A Fate UnwantedWhere stories live. Discover now