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WARNING ⚠ smut content, strong lanuage, use of curse words like slut etc, fem receiving, unprotected sex..
im sorry if there are any spelling mistakes i was too lazy to check its 2 am now and im off to bed enjoy!

Mikes POV:

Y/n was on her way to my house, i wasn't planning on asking her to be my Valentine since she's my girlfriend, but i wanted to be good for her so i decorated everything and lit up some candles. They were strawberry scented, i bought it because i knew that was her favorite fruit.

I also bought a small teddy bear, and he held a heart that said "i love you", i picked out some flowers that smelled phenomenally, from my mom's garden since i didn't have enoguh money fpr everything but i tried my best, hopefully she'll like it.


i heard knocking on the basement door, immediately getting up i grabbed the flowers hiding them behind my back.

I opened the door struggling to keep my posture straight, wiggling around i held the flowers out for Y/n, giving her a Cheshire cat-like smile. He looked adorable, his eyes squinted as he smiled handing flowers to her.

"T-this is for me?" Y/n peered up looking at mike, a smile spread across her face.

He nodded, his soft little curls bouncing as he moved his head.Y/n grabbed the flowers, melting into the refreshing scent they had.

"Sorry, please come in" He moved from the doorway awkwardly as he made space for her to come in.

Y/n walked in, rose petals were thrown everywhere, candles lit up that made the room smell like a strawberry ice-cream on a summer afternoon, and of course the man of her dreams standing right behind her.

Mike got closer to her hugging her waist & putting his head on top of hers. He drew soft circles into her stomach as she looked around the room, being amused by the little details Mike made sure looked good.

Y/n turned around, grabbing her boyfriend's cheek pulling him into a infatuating kiss. Mike passionately kissed back, his lips were soft, tasting like milk & honey chapstick she bought him for Christmas.

Mike walked backwards, Y/n following his footsteps, being eager for his lips,he chuckled pulling away as Y/n followed him.

"S-should we?" She trailed off blushing. she was shy, how cute, Mike grabbed her jaw softly, feeling how she melted at his touch. She melted leaning into Mike's lips, the faint smell of his body wash & cologne washing over her as they shared another affectionate kiss.

Mike pushed Y/n lightly to the couch, but she felt like all her nerves in her body were on hyperdrive, she could feel the effect Mike had on her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, and oh she loved it. She loved Mike being in control.

Y/n sat on Mike's couch, him following after her sitting in between her legs. She tipped her head back, her neck being fully exposed to mike as he nibbled on that spot that would leave her keening, moaning & whimpering.

Her chest heaving with every shaky breath she took. He kissed down her chest, removing her shirt and looking up for permission to unhook her bra. She nodded vigorously and Mike snickered mumbling "eager".

He unhooked her bra, being amused by her beauty. He kissed all over her chest moving down to her stomach stopping at her womanhood.

"Are you sure you want to?" Mike questioned lovingly, grazing his fingers over her inner thighs, only an inch away from the place she needed him to touch her the most.

"Y-yes I'm sure" She whimpered out, moving Mike's raven curls from his face. He nodded hooking his fingers to the skimpy material of her skirt, pulling it down along with her underwear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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